Brings You Clarity With Spiritual Phone Readings, Spiritual Classes, eBooks

Archive for January, 2016

Hearing Is The Last Sense To Go!


One of the main questions I have received from clients over the years is if their loved one heard what they were saying when they were dying. The answer is YES.

I have always received answers from deceased loved ones that they heard everything that was said to them in their last moments.

So keep talking to those that you love when they are unconscious, drifting in and out of life because they will here and take with them what you had to say. They will take what you said with them into the next world.

Also after they have passed they do hear what you have to say. So keep talking because they are listening.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Be sure and visit me and learn about my services at:


Discount on Spiritual Readings


Starting January 25 to January 31 — I am offering a 20% discount on 15 minute Spiritual Readings. Normal cost $30.00 with discount $20.00. Act Now! Click Here To Purchase.

At this time so many people are going through hard times and I hope that I can assist with discounting my price for my spiritual services so that you can get the help you need.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

A Dream Within A Dream

Aromatherapy Information & More

A Dream Within A Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

View original post 30 more words

Full Moon January 24, 2016


Welcome the Full Wolf Moon on January 24, 2016 at 01:46 UTC. This is a good time to let out the suppressed energy you have been feeling because of Mercury Retrograde. So go ahead and Howl at the moon! In North America, we often call this full moon the Wolf Moon, Snow Moon or Hunger Moon.

On the night of the full moon ask your Angels and guides for a dream message on how to more fully step into your power before you go to sleep. Upon waking, write down what you remember of your dream, even if it is just one word. Meditate on it.

Please Note you do not need to see the full moon to make your requests and intentions to the Divine. Often people write me and say I wasn’t able to see the full moon. It does not matter the moon is always there whether we see it or not. During the daylight we do not see the moon yet it still exists.

Amid the zero cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Native American villages. The wolves are out in this bright light this time of year, anxious and hot on a trail for a feast to shake their hunger in the lean winter month. The normally elusive wolves were once found all over Europe and the Native Americans living close to the land held them in high esteem, along with other animals they encountered.

This full moon falls under the sign of Leo.  The warmth and playfulness of Leo is captivating, a sign that’s often ascribed rulership of all things fun and entertaining. So this full moon should be a time of letting go of being an adult and having fun!  Use your creativity.  Find ways to express yourself during this full moon.  This full moon comes at the ending of mercury retrograde, so take a deep breath relax and enjoy yourself.

Full moon always brings closures to bring to us a better tomorrow. The hills of the new, and new beginnings, will bring with them fundamental changes which have been dreaded for so long. These worries stem in the form of mysteries and it is these mysteries that have also held us back for so long. This full moon will emphasize how fluent we are to the emotions that are attached to our communication, how much we share, and how much we relate to others.

Full Moon phases herald a proper time for endings and closure. Full moon’s also signal an appropriate time to shine a light on or display works and deeds that were previously veiled during the new moon phase.

Significance of this moon is not just about emotions but it is about closeness. January tends to bring families close together with indoor activities. Some say it is a good time to work on relationships, partnerships and matters of the heart. Or, it is a good time to work on new ventures or projects that require some study time. Plan a ritual to protect your home and loved ones.

January’s moon can be bold and bright or covered in silky clouds. Like the wolf it can appear to be cunning. A symbolic lesson could be that progress is sometimes subtle and happens behind the scenes. Because wolves are also incredibly resourceful they can also symbolize our own hidden potential. Do not be afraid to howl at the moon!

Take Advantage Of My Special Full Moon Readings That Cover The Following:

Your Present:
There’s no time like the present.  Where are you currently on your path?

Your Future:
Where is your path leading you? This is a great card to see if you want to adjust your path or continue as you are.

Full Moon Energy:
What energy is this Full Moon bringing you.

What should you release?
What should you release now?

What should you you embrace?
What energy should you work on bringing to you this cycle?

Your Power Animal:
What Spirit Animal is currently assisting you on your path and how can you best work with their energy.

What Your Guides Want You To Know:
Special advice from your guides. What do they want you to know right now?

All readings are done personally by me by telephone.  Click Here For More Information.

Full moon blessings,
Cherokee Billie

How to Cut the Etheric Cords Binding You!

I have been teaching my clients for decades how to cut the cords that are keeping them attached to someone they have thought they let go of years ago.  Even though I teach this through my sessions it just doesn’t always seen to get through to my clients. So I have made a video on How to cut the Etheric Cords that are keeping you tied up.  I have had this video up for about one day and already clients that I’ve worked with for years are calling and saying now they really get what I was talking about and have done this process with the Archangels and feel a tremendous difference internally.

Take a few minutes and learn how to Work with the Archangels to be set free from relationships that you thought you had released. I have found that videos get through to people far more sometimes then my articles.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

To learn more about my work visit me at:

Reunited In Spirit. A Mother’s Story

Beckie and Bubba

Beckie and Bubba

A wonderful client, named Beckie, has been following my work for many years.  She contacted me two weeks ago to have the Guided Journey Into Spirit.  Her son, Bubba who was only 24 years old, passed away four years ago.  He was born with incredible health problems due to prematurity causing cerebral palsy, severe pulmonary problems, he could not walk and was limited in his verbal communication abilities.  Beckie sent me pictures of Bubba and he had such a beautiful spirit about him.  She said he was always happy and had a way without words of making everyone else happy around him.

Bubba was having a procedure conducted in a hospital when he was administered an excessive amount of medication and it caused him to pass. The heartbreak for Beckie and her daughter was enormous as he brightened up their life so much.  I liked hearing about him before we did the Guided Journey.  I was able to pick up his spirit and start connecting with him prior to our appointment.  It’s always a blessing for me when I start sensing who we are contacting.

The other night we had our session going into spirit.  Beckie was able to clearly see the spirit world section that we where in. Her Guardian angel was there to greet her, but she could not see or hear the angel speak to her. One of the reasons was she kept hearing outside noises and they were distracting her from letting go completely. She expressed this to me so I would understand what was going on for her.  I felt good that she was able to see the spirit world and did not feel that this was a major problem.  We were taken to a little cottage and she went inside with me.  It had a big fireplace and only one piece of furniture, a large sofa.  There was a young man sitting on the sofa when we entered.  I directed her to sit down as I knew this was Bubba.  He was a handsome young man with absolutely no health problems.

Beckie could see the outline of his body and knew that he was there and was filled with so much happiness and excitement at being able to see Bubba.  He got up and started dancing around the room with enjoyment of seeing his mother once again.  She was able to see the dancing outline of Bubba. He wanted her to see him whole and complete.  Beckie told me that Bubba immensely loved music and would try to move as though he was dancing when he was alive.  This was making her extremely happy. She was still having problems hearing what he was saying to her due to the noise distractions.  Normally I do not get involved with the conversations as my main purpose is to be a guide.  In this situation, I knew that I had to give her the messages that Bubba was saying.

He had so much to tell her about his life now and all the things that he was able to do in the spirit world. Bubba works with people who pass over and have similar disabilities as he had.  He helps them adjust to having a complete spiritual body.  He told her how much he enjoyed flying around on the backs of dragonflies.  She told me that from the time she had been a small child, she had always loved and been fascinated by dragonflies.  She had never told Bubba about this, so for her this was a great confirmation of who was there with her. I wanted Beckie to be able to fully visualize him and did not know how I was going to get this to happen when suddenly the door to the cottage opened and in stepped Michael Jackson.  This was such a great shock to me, as I had not communicated with Michael Jackson in six years.

He went over to the fireplace and when he stood there Bubba joined him and together they started dancing.  The moment this happened Beckie was finally able to see Bubba as well as Michael Jackson.  They just kept dancing in unison.  This made her immensely happy, as she was finally able to fully visualize her precious, beloved son after so long.

They performed elaborate dancing together and for me it was really something to see because I knew Michael had been working in spirit with Bubba.  I always knew that Michael was doing great spiritual work and here he was showing some of the work he had done.

Beckie sat on the sofa and just enjoyed seeing her son free from his physical body and moving with such freedom and joy.  When at last the dancing ended, Bubba stood on the right side of her and Michael on the left and all three embraced in one group hug. Beckie stated she was able to feel the love from both Bubba and Michael that they were feeling and giving to her.

Afterwards, Beckie, Bubba, and Michael exited the cottage and started back through the path we had come in on.  We came to the place of departure and Beckie was able to give a final big hug to her beloved Bubba.

When we came back into the third dimension Beckie was still tremendously overwhelmed with joy.  I told her to make sure she wrote down everything she could remember right away so she would not lose the memory of this wonderful and loving experience.  At that point, we said good night.

I called Beckie the next day to see how she was doing and she was still on cloud nine from this experience.  It was wonderful to hear her share what she received from this unique journey.  I have a feeling she’s going to be able to sense and feel Bubba more easily from now on.

Whenever she really wants to connect all she has to do is listen to some Michael Jackson music and both of them will be there for her.  Beckie had been listening to music quite often during the past two months and without knowing why, she would stop and take notice when a song came on the radio of Michael Jackson singing. Now Beckie fully understood the significance of this.

It was wonderful to see the powerful spirits that both Bubba and Michael have become.

What is life like for Michael Jackson in spirit?

MJ in Spirit

I always enjoy doing these journeys in the spirit world as my clients receive so much that is helpful to them. This one was quite different for me because I had the honor of being able to channel Michael Jackson right after he died in 2009 and I got to know his spirit and who he was for the six months that I was in communication with him. At that point he needed to be left alone so that he could go through his own personal healing. The reason he reached out to communicate was because the pull of his fans was so strong on him and he had such a love for people that he wanted to try to make them not feel so sad or angry at his passing.

I cannot begin to express how surprised I was at seeing him again after so many years. He did not communicate with me because his reasons for being there was for my client Beckie and for her son Bubba. It just made my heart feel really good to see him once again.

If you would like to learn more about my messages from Michael click here.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

January 10, 2016 New Moon, New Year, New Beginnings

A new calendar for the kitchen wall

The January 10 at 1:30 UTC, although some astrology charts have it falling on January 9. This new moon falls in Capricorn with Mercury Retrograde. The Moon will pass close to the Sun and become lost in the Sun’s glare for a few days.

The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, hope, faith and optimism. It is important night energy wise as it sets the pace for the entire lunar cycle.

The New Moon brings a fresh energy into all social situations. Connections to Mercury and Venus add a sweet, friendly quality that will help you get to know someone new better, or provide meaningful support to a friend.

When the sun and the moon are on the same side of earth the moon is in the “New Moon” phase. During this phase the moon is invisible because the side of the moon we are seeing is not being illuminated by the sun. The New Moon is also called the Seed Moon. It is a time of sprouting and new beginnings. The moon phases can affect our mind, body and emotions in the following ways:

  • Body- We tend to sleep less during the new moon phase and rise early. Our appetite tends to increase and we tend to experience spurts of energy.
  • Mind- This is a time we usually experience sudden insights and develop new ideas. It is a great time to be creative and participate in writing, painting or anything else that allows the mind to be inspired.
  • Emotions- During this time it is common to feel shy and experience sensitive feelings. It is a good time to stay away from crowds and to keep the focus on ourselves.

The new moon brings about a time of calmness and balance, while also bringing energy and acceptance that anything can be accomplished. Use this time to set seeds of intentions for the following moon cycle and love watching what manifests throughout the month.

It is important to pull our energy inward, to be the brightest lights we can, to show the greatest love we can. We hope the light we shine will catch others alight.

New moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil. These thought-seeds are slowly awoken by the growing crescent moon as the day’s progress towards the illumination of the full moon. The darkness of the new moon gives peace and tranquility while our seed intentions slowly take root and sustenance form the fertile earth below. This period cannot be rushed and it is a great time to have some quiet dark-moon time to compose our goals and plans for the month ahead. Any wishes made at this time carry great force.

This is also the best time to write a list of cosmic orders, which can be big or small. Large-scale projects can bare fruit in 6 months time when the full Moon is the same sign again. Smaller wishes have a two-week timescale to be birthed at the next full moon. The manifestation spell will be that much more powerful if the subjects that you want to birth resonate with the mood of the current new moon

Add power to whatever ceremony you do by singing, drumming or raising energy in your own unique way.

As this year goes by and you find the need to do something important, to hold for the greater good, to take a stand, or to feel empowered in your truth, remember the power of the water within you. The water in our blood and in our bodies is connected to all the waters of the world in ways that are compassionate, empowering, creative and ever flowing. It always finds or creates the right and correct path as it makes its way, as it flows from the places of old to the places of new with truth, conscience, responsible action, self empowerment, and personal sovereignty.

Make a fresh start.. Create a New Moon ritual: set an intention, light a white/silver candle, imagine the new moving toward you in joyful, powerful ways; spend a few moments breathing in the energy of this new reality each day, making it more and more tangible. Work this for one moon cycle and re-access and energize on the next new moon if needed.

new moon Spiritual reading

Make a difference this year in your life and in your part of the world.

New Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

What You Should and Should Not Do During Mercury Retrograde

I posted a few days ago that now we are in Mercury Retrograde until January 25.  So many people do not really understand what Mercury Retrograde is all about and I have made a video in which I detailed the basics about this occurrence so you don’t feel like you have to hide under the blankets for the next few weeks.

  • Mercury retrograde is not all bad
  • You will learn what this means to your life.
  • What to do during this Mercury Retrograde
  • What not to do during Mercury Retrograde

Don’t assume everything goes wrong during Mercury retrograde – sometimes things work in your favor.

So sit back, relax, and learn about Mercury retrograde. You may be surprised at what you do learn.

Mercury retrograde is not all bad – you can count on it!

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Mercury Retrograde is from January 5th till January 25th.

First Mercury Retrograde of 2016

You may have heard the expression, “Oh, no – Mercury is about to go retrograde again!” You may have wondered what they were talking about. Of all planetary aspects, this one seems to garner the most attention from the public.

Mercury Retrograde is from January 5th till January 25th

When Mercury retrogrades, think of it as an instant signal that the wind is changing direction. Most people fear change and therefore this causes a lot of anxiety among those who follow astrology.

To break this down simply Mercury rules all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as book manuscripts or term papers, agreements, deeds, contracts, leases, wills, and so forth.

Included under this planet’s domain are all types of code, including computer codes, as well as transportation, shipping, and travel. When this planet retrogrades, these areas tend to get a bit jumbled.

When a planet retrogrades it is in a resting or sleeping state. So many of the things that it governs goes without supervision.

The best thing for you to do first off is not be overly concerned. The earth will continue to go around and for a few weeks it is a time for you to contemplate anything that you have been thinking about doing and take a break from the pressures of life.

This can be a good time in your life.  Life has to continue no matter what, this is an opportunity to think a little more carefully and slowly before you take action. Most things can wait a little bit and that’s the best way to approach a Mercury Retrograde. This dormant time gives you great opportunity to really evaluate things that you are considering doing. So this is one of the ways that this astrological time can help you.

It is also a good time to clean out file cabinets and closets. Release what is not needed in your life and make way for the new.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

New Year’s Prayer and Blessing for 2016

2016 smudge

Oh Great Spirit I raise smoke to the four sacred winds and the four corners, so that the blessings can reach my brothers and sisters all in every corner of Great Mother Earth while the smoke disperses all over Father Sky and lit by Mother Moon.

Let the smoke pass to each their blessing for this New Year and do away with all sorrows and unhappiness, fill their homes with love, and the light of your wisdom. If any be sick cure them. If sad make them happy. If they have needs fulfill them.

Protect them from all evil. Please Father Keep them in good health, give them long life, and abundance. Give them all your love as they love you.

That They can give testimony to your power and mercy, and most important your love. Oh Great Father in heaven I love you with all my heart as I love my brothers and sisters all. I am your servant and theirs. I ask for only one thing give me Strength to keep going on doing as I do on the Sacred Path. And so it is! AMEN.


It is recommended that you clean your spirit, computer, home, car, and any other environment you are in contact with for the New Year.  This will help remove all the energy from last year and create a clean environment to begin the New Year.

Sending You New Year’s Blessings,
Cherokee Billie