Brings You Clarity With Spiritual Phone Readings, Spiritual Classes, eBooks

Archive for January, 2017

New Moon January 27, 2017


This New Moon is in the sign of Aquarius on January 27, 2017 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.. This is a time of cutting any cords that bind you and let your freedom Fly!

When the sun and the moon are on the same side of earth the moon is in the “New Moon” phase. During this phase the moon is invisible because the side of the moon we are seeing is not being illuminated by the sun. The New Moon is also called the Seed Moon. It is a time of sprouting and new beginnings.

However, by the end of the month any alienation that is felt matures into great self-sufficiency. The ability to look after oneself then is in turn bestowed upon the various waifs and strays that this New Moon can attract. At this time we might find ourselves providing temporary accommodation for those making difficult life transitions. A cosmic home is found amongst other outsiders.

The New Moon brings a fresh energy into all social situations. Connections to Mercury and Venus add a sweet, friendly quality that will help you get to know someone new better, or provide meaningful support to a friend.

The moon phases can affect our mind, body and emotions in the following ways:

Body- We tend to sleep less during the new moon phase and rise early. Our appetite tends to increase and we tend to experience spurts of energy.

Mind- This is a time we usually experience sudden insights and develop new ideas. It is a great time to be creative and participate in writing, painting or anything else that allows the mind to be inspired.

Emotions- During this time it is common to feel shy and experience sensitive feelings. It is a good time to stay away from crowds and to keep the focus on ourselves.

The new moon brings about a time of calmness and balance, while also bringing energy and acceptance that anything can be accomplished. Use this time to set seeds of intentions for the following moon cycle and love watching what manifests throughout the month.

It is important to pull our energy inward, to be the brightest lights we can, to show the greatest love we can. We hope the light we shine will catch others alight.

New moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil. These thought-seeds are slowly awoken by the growing crescent moon as the day’s progress towards the illumination of the full moon. The darkness of the new moon gives peace and tranquility while our seed intentions slowly take root and sustenance form the fertile earth below. This period cannot be rushed and it is a great time to have some quiet dark-moon time to compose our goals and plans for the month ahead. Any wishes made at this time carry great force.

This is also the best time to write a list of cosmic orders, which can be big or small. Large-scale projects can bare fruit in 6 months time when the full Moon is the same sign again. Smaller wishes have a two-week timescale to be birthed at the next full moon. The manifestation spell will be that much more powerful if the subjects that you want to birth resonate with the mood of the current new moon

Add power to whatever ceremony you do by singing, drumming or raising energy in your own unique way.

As this year goes by and you find the need to do something important, to hold for the greater good, to take a stand, or to feel empowered in your truth, remember the power of the water within you. The water in our blood and in our bodies is connected to all the waters of the world in ways that are compassionate, empowering, creative and ever flowing. It always finds or creates the right and correct path as it makes its way, as it flows from the places of old to the places of new with truth, conscience, responsible action, self empowerment, and personal sovereignty.

Make a fresh start. Create a New Moon ritual: set an intention, light a white/silver candle, imagine the new moving toward you in joyful, powerful ways; spend a few moments breathing in the energy of this new reality each day, making it more and more tangible. Work this for one moon cycle and re-access and energize on the next new moon if needed.

Find out what is ahead for you This Year with a New Moon Spiritual Reading

Make a difference this year in your life and in your part of the world.

New Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie


Just for today


2017 Forecast – Healing and Rebuilding

Well we made it through another year.  Many people did not.  Although 2016 was a heavy emotional year for so many people and it is taken a hard toll on many of us we are still here. After months of being faced with and accepting and dealing with the loss of our spiritual connections, we now enter 2017 where our healing finally can begin and let me explain how in this video. Want to know what is ahead for you this year contact me for a private reading.

Sending Love and Light,
Cherokee Billie

What is a Spiritual Advisor?

Many of you have followed me for years and some of you are new.  What is surprising to me is that many of you do not know much about my background and what all I do as a Spiritual Advisor. I pack more in this three minute video about my experience and qualifications than I would in a three page article.  So pause and find out who I really am!

Sending Love and Light,

Wolf Full Moon January 12, 2017

Welcome the Full Wolf Moon on January 12, 2017. This is a good time to let out the suppressed energy you have been feeling because of Mercury Retrograde, which ended January 08, 2017. So go ahead and Howl at the moon! In North America, we often call this full moon the Wolf Moon, Snow Moon or Hunger Moon.

I regret to say that WordPress has changed the way that I publish my articles and I cannot find how to do things that I used to do.  So I’m going to reference your going over to my other blog page from now on.  This just changed this week.  I do not understand why they cannot leave things the way they were that worked.

Read Full Article Here!


Elvis Presley’s 84th birthday!


Elvis Presley in 1969

Elvis Presley in 1969

84 years ago, January 08, 1935, Elvis Presley came into this world. He certainly shook it up forever. I remember being five years old and seeing him the first time he was on the Ed Sullivan show. I stood in the middle of the living room dancing much to the delight of my family. My mother loved him from the moment she saw him because he came from a poor southern upbringing just like her. You can say from that moment on I was a rock and roll fan.

In 1969 Elvis made his big comeback in Las Vegas.   My best girl friend and I saw him perform the very first week at the International Hotel. He was really on top of his performance in 1969. Dressed in an all black karate suit he came on stage without all the glitz, sparkle, and glamour and just rocked the house.

In 1969 one of my best friends was in the marines and on the weekends he would bring his buddies to my apartment and they would play music and different games. I will never forget this one young man who kept playing my album “Elvis 68” over and over again one weekend. The song he would play the most was, “If I Could Dream.” It is a powerful song that Elvis felt was his message to the world about how it could change if it wanted to. He went to Vietnam and never made it back. To this day when I hear that song I still remember that young man.

I continued to see him perform in Las Vegas over the years and his voice was always outstanding, but there was a change in him and I did not feel him connecting to the audience. Little did I know of his troubles.

I felt a great loss when he passed in 1977. He was so young and so much ahead of him. He lives on through his music and movies. The world was never the same after Elvis Presley. He definitely made a major impact that lasts even now. Not bad for a poor southern boy.

Gone but never forgotten and he always will be the King of Rock And Roll! John Lennon once said, “Before Elvis there was nothing.” He of course was referring to Elvis’s music. I am enclosing my favorite song “If I Can Dream” by Elvis Presley.

All I can say is that I am glad that I lived to experience so many great musicians in my lifetime. There’s no question that Elvis Presley is the King of Rock And Roll. You will never be forgotten Elvis.

Please share your memories and thoughts about Elvis.

Happy birthday in Heaven Elvis,
Cherokee Billie

Bring Clarity and Healing into the New Year


Each day creates an atmosphere of renewal for all of us. Regardless of what mistakes have been made in the past or what projects might remain unfinished; every day provides an opportunity to make things better. As with all beginnings, however, getting started can be the most challenging step. My Spiritual Advisor services can help you welcome the New Year by clarifying your purpose and illuminating the paths you can take to reach your goals. How else can spiritual guidance assist your transition into 2017? Read on.

The Strength to Make Important Life Decisions.

The intuition of a spiritual advisor can aid your ability to make the right decisions related to business or your personal life. Spiritual guidance for enhancing relationships, seizing promotions and resolving any problems that currently block your success can elevate you to new frontiers, and encourage you to pursue the path that is right for you.

Conflicts with past or present partners and unresolved issues from past relationships can disrupt our ability to maintain a bond and stay open to love. If bad habits are forged in response to negative experiences, we may enter a cycle of unhealthy social habits. In these situations, the insight I bring can renew faith in yourself and other people. This may help save current relationships and foster the development of new ones.

Guidance from Loved Ones in the Spirit World.

Contacting with loved ones who have passed away, angels, and other guides in the spiritual realm is also a popular reason to seek a spiritual reading. With my Guided Journey into Spirit I am able to take you into Spirit and you can communicate face to face with a deceased loved one, Angel, guides, or ancestors.  No medium needed.  As far as I know I’m the only person who is able to offer to this special service. With my service I am able to connect you to that loved one and bring healing closure.  If grief continues to consume you after the death of a partner, friend or family member, connecting with their spirit can allow you to come face to face with them and receive messages they have intended for you. In some cases, the deceased person may also be able to offer wisdom on issues with which they were familiar when they were still alive.

Balancing Your Spiritual Self


Everyone has energy centers known as Chakas and these reflect the health, state of mind and other factors of your well-being. I am able to balance your Chakas remotely by phone and you will find an increased energy and calmness. You’ll have an awareness of what Energies centers are being blocked and what you can do to help them keep flowing.  I also offer a Personal class on Chaka Balancing. Balancing your spiritual energies will undoubtedly help you find your true spiritual self.

While each New Year comes with new challenges, the intuitive powers of a spiritual advisor can provide insight into what we offer the world and how to harness these individual skills. Better communication with oneself is among the most powerful tools for success and happiness throughout life. With this information in mind, you will be better prepared to increase your quality of life next year and in the years beyond. Strive to free your spirit from negative energies and begin today on the right foot!

Arrange an appointment by calling (786)-375-5434 and let’s start your New Year in the right direction.

New Year blessings,
Cherokee Billie