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Archive for April, 2018

Full Moon April 29, 2018

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After the long winter it’s time to throw your head back and howl at the Full Pink Moon April 29, 2018 in Scorpio.  This is a wonderful time of year because it expresses rebirth and growth.  This full Moon is calling us to be aware of our deepest desires.  This moon may look full a day before and after to the casual observer.

Why is the April full moon pink?

Despite its name, the Pink Moon does not actually turn pink in April – in fact the moon never changes its color.

Read full article.  Click Here

Full Moon blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Four years without Isis.

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April 29, 2019 marks 4 years since Isis crossed the rainbow bridge.  We had fifteen remarkable years together.

In all my years there was no animal that crossed my path as remarkable as Isis.  From the first day she came home she had wisdom that far exceeded anything I had ever seen.  She understood everything immediately.  She never had to be taught anything.  Not once did she ever do anything disruptive or cause any problems.

She was my first cat and a Rescue Kitty about five months old, and when she came into my life. She had big beautiful green eyes, black silky hair, and walked with great dignity.  I felt there was only one name that suited her and that was after the Egyptian Goddess Isis.

She understood how to move around me, as I am bedridden and the slightest little thing can cause incredible pain.  She would flatten her body out to where she was no more than 1 inch high and lay under my arm.  She knew that if I my arm was elevated it would cause pain.  She was a true shape shifter.

She would always stand by the chair I was sitting on and ask permission before she came over. She did the same thing when she jumped on the bed she would never come near me unless I told her it was all right. She had incredible manners.

Her psychic abilities were amazing.  I always trusted her instincts because they were accurate.  She was able to speak to me telepathically in English.  There is no need to try to figure out what she wanted to relay because of her incredible psychic abilities, it was easy to understand.  I always felt she was a greater mystic then I will ever be.

She loved Jimi Hendrix.  In our time together we lived in many different homes, but one of the first homes we were in together had a remarkable built in entertainment center with speakers five feet high.  I noticed that whenever I put on a Jimi Hendrix CD she would stand in front of the speakers and not move.  Eventually I knew all I had to say was, “Isis, It’s Hendrix” and she would come running from wherever she was and stand in front of the speakers.

Isis had a deep distrust of all people.  I do not know what her life was like before she came to live with me, but it obviously taught her a lot about people.  I was fortunate to be the only person she trusted.  I had to earn that trust with her. When she first came to live with me she would lie on my physical therapy table and gently swat at anyone who went by. Most would freak out and scream.  I know she was inwardly laughing  at that. When she would do it with me I would not move and I would put my hand close to her and she would bite at it and I would say, “Come on, bite harder.” She realized I wasn’t going to be intimidated, so she knew I was trustworthy.

Over time she got to where she would not come out at all if anyone came into the home where we were living. She preferred to stay in the closet until she knew it was safe to come out. I do not have many pictures of her because no one ever saw her but me and I’m not able to move around that well to take pictures, but I treasure the few that I have.

When I brought Tigre, my second Rescue Kitty, into our home Isis immediately took over as her mother and always protected her. They would both sleep together in the closet when ever people were around. Especially my caregivers. Tigre has had a lot of health problems and would have to be medicated frequently.  When Rene, the main person in my life, would try to get her out of the closet Isis would attack and she was extremely serious.

She never had a sick day in her life. I was always happy about that because I knew her fear of people would make it a horrible experience for her to go to the vet.  During the last year of her life I kept noticing and commenting on how thin she was getting.  She never expressed any signs of illness in any way.  Two months before she passed I knew she was sick and I knew it was related to her kidneys. Not once did she ever cry or act like she was in any sort of pain. She was always concerned about me and never wanted me to worry.  My instincts told me there was something wrong.  I had her see one vet and was not pleased with his so-called treatment and diagnosis.  I knew she needed to see the specialist that treated Tigre.

The specialist found that one kidney had such a large stone that it was not functioning.  He called to tell me this.  I kept thinking about her having to have treatments and I knew that it would be miserable for her.  The next day he called and said she had taken a sudden turn for the worst.  He could not understand why she went down so quickly.  It did not surprise me.  He gave me time to prepare myself and I was able to astral project myself to her.  Physically I was on his cell phone talking to her the whole time while he gave her the injection to pass.

I saw her cross over and she stood at the rainbow bridge.  On the other side stood my father holding my little dog Julia, who he always loved.  He motioned for Isis to come over and she crossed the bridge and jumped up into his other arm.  They stood looking at me and I know that they will be there waiting for me when my time comes.

Out of personal curiosity the doctor did an autopsy on her and found that she had cancer of the liver.  She was a very sick little girl and never let on.  The doctor made a special box for her and buried her in his backyard.

I talk to her every day and I have seen her several times since she passed.  Last week I saw her jump up on the bed on her special cushion.  I have felt her go under my arm and lay underneath me.  I treasure those moments that she comes around.  I know she will always be a part of my life.

There will never be another animal in my life that will equal Isis. I knew she was special from the moment I saw her.  I know that we will be together once again when I meet her at the end of the rainbow bridge.

Cherokee Billie

New Moon April 15, 2018

A Simple New Moon Ritual

There are many reasons to celebrate this new Moon April 15, 2018 in Aries.  It’s the end of Mercury retrograde and positive fresh energy is flowing.  We are still receiving benefits from the Blue Moon in March.

Many people dread this time of year because of tax time.  Well guess what?  We can change our finances by planting our intentions this new Moon.  How do you ask?  By writing an abundance check to yourself!

Learn the Details of how you can increase Your Abundance by Reading My Full Article.  Click Here For Total Information.

New Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Wisdom for Multidimensional humans

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor


Everything we see, feel, touch, and think has energy. Everything is made-up of energy and that energy gets converted into something else. It’s like a big circle. By doing things that you love doing, it busies the mind with a task while the heart is enjoying what you’re doing. When this happens we are open to the Source of all. In other words intuition steps in. Intuition can give you a great idea, an answer to a problem; create the desire to contact someone and more. The possibilities are endless, that’s why it’s called the “Source.”

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

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