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Archive for October, 2018

Why Are Black Cats Considered Unlucky?

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor


How did black cats become associated with bad luck, and with Halloween traditions?

Every year when people begin putting out their Halloween decorations, and we start dressing our homes for Samhain, inevitably the image of the black cat comes up. It’s usually portrayed with its back arched, claws out, and occasionally wearing a jaunty pointed hat. Local news channels warn us to keep black cats inside on Halloween just in case the local hooligans decide to get up to some nasty hijinks. 

But where did the fear of these beautiful animals come from? Anyone who lives with a cat knows how fortunate they are to have a cat in their life — so why are they considered unlucky?

Divine Cats:

The ancient Egyptians honored cats of every color. Cats were mighty and strong, and held sacred. Two of the most amazing goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon were Bast and Sekhmet…

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Popcorn Hands for Halloween!

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

Popcorn handsHalloween is a wonderful time for creativity.  This is a wonderful treat for Halloween parties. You can experiment and make it any way you choose.

Makes 6 hands (feel free to double, triple, if you want to make more)

  • 4 bags of microwave popcorn, popped
  • 6 clear plastic gloves (not latex)
  • 30 pieces of candy corn or Hershey kisses can be used or gumballs
  • 6 plastic spider rings
  • 6 twist ties decorative ribbon, sharp thin knife

Directions: Use the knife to poke small holes in the ends of each fingertip in the gloves. It should be big enough to fit the point of the candy corn through it, but small enough to hold it in place.

Poke a piece of candy corn through each hole, creating a “fingernail” for each finger or you can just place the other candy in the tip of the glove.

Fill each glove with popcorn…

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Hunters Full Moon October 24, 2018 in Taurus


October is a busy month to enjoy with our marvelous full Moon October 24, 2018 in Taurus.. If you are prone to tilt your head and howl at the moon, like the great hunters the coyotes, this will be the only night this month when the moon will be visible in the sky all night long. Just be mindful of the neighbors when you howl!

In October, we enter the glorious late afternoon of the year. The woodland blazes with vibrant colors. As October passes the door to the otherworld opens wider. We become more receptive to spiritual energies and feel drawn to bond with our ancestors.


32 Years Since My Mother Died.


My Family 1967

It seems like yesterday and yet it seems like a hundred years ago that my mother died.  She died without warning suddenly from a massive heart attack on October 19, 1987.

I did not have a real close relationship with my mother.  She never expressed any love or affection to me.  I was never hugged.  I was never told that I was loved.  She criticized me for everything I did.  If I came home with straight A’s on my report card it was not acknowledged.  But let me get a bad grade and I was berated.

My mother had two daughters by a previous marriage and she always hugged and kissed them and anything they did was always praised.  I never understood why I was not shown the same attention.  Of course later on after she passed I understood things more.

My mother was physically extremely ill for the last 15 years of her life and she had expressed that she did not want to live long and have to be taken care of.  I certainly understand that thought having been bedridden 28 years and paying people to take care of me.

The day that she died I knew that leaving this physical world was better for her.  She had such a miserable life and had suffered so much over the years that I felt it was a true release for her.  I still took time to say goodbye to her in my own special way.

I had held resentment inside of me for many years towards my mother over the lack of love that I did not receive.  It had set me up to make many bad choices in my life because of desperately wanting to be loved and accepted.

I spent time over several years analyzing my mother’s life carefully and there came a moment where I had a clear vision of my mother at the age of 13 and what a horrific experience she had as a young girl.  She lived in the backwoods of Tennessee and had no connection to the world outside of Tennessee.  Her parents were drunks and had six children and never really took care of them.  When my mother was 13 they married her off to a man of 26 years old.  In meditation I saw my mother at the hands of this man being brutally raped and not understanding anything about sex and marriage.  That was the moment that I had my breakthrough and was able to totally forgive her.  I lay weeping for that poor little girl who went through so much.  From that moment on I have felt the presence of my mother with me.

I realized that she gave so much attention to her other daughters because they did not have a father.  The man she married was an alcoholic and abusive to her and the children.  I had a good father and she felt that was enough.  She never really understood my father or me as we were quite different from her.

From the moment I had that revelation I was able to forgive and heal everything I had felt about my mother.  I think of her now with great love and affection and wish I could go back in time and express this to her.  I know that her spirit hears me and sees me.  She has visited me since her passing and I feel that both of us have had a healing.

I share this story not only to tell about my relationship, but to help people understand how important forgiveness is, whether the person is around you or not.  Forgiveness heals you!

I thank you Mama for all that you did for me and I thank you for your forgiveness of me.  You promised that you would be the one to take me into spirit and I ask that you come quickly.  I look forward to the day that we meet again face to face.

With love from your daughter,

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History of Halloween and Samhain

hall GIF

It’s Halloween – the celebration the ancient Celts called Samhain. This marks the Celtic beginning of the New Year and winter. This celebration starts at sunset on October 31 to sunset November 1.

Samhain, means November in the Celtic culture, it is the Gateway to winter, where the veils are especially thin between these worlds of the seen and unseen. The Celts called the unseen realms the ‘Otherworld’, a place of beauty, rest, and renewal. Samhain is a time in the cycle of the year for slowing down. For connecting to your deep self and resting there in the healing power of your inner nature. It is the turning of the seasons where you can commune with the earth mother’s womb from which all that is created is birthed.

This marks the time to honor the worlds of the seen and unseen – our everyday world, and the worlds of imagination, mystery, and spirit.

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October When the 3rd Dimension and the Spirit Worlds Are Interwoven!

mist view

This dimension that we live in and the spirit worlds meet in October.  Just so you know I’m neither a Witch nor a Wiccan. I wouldn’t know what to put in a cauldron besides soup.  What I am is a spiritual being who has taken time to explore the different dimensions.  I like to think of this time of the year as a sacred time to honor my dearly departed and to seek a closer relationship to The Creator.  I always sense the presence of the other worldliness at this special time of the year.  And I give thanks.

This is the time that the veil that separates us thins.  This has been known throughout the beginning of time. This is one of the reasons that nowadays there is a celebration in October called Halloween. Originally this was known as Samhain a Gaelic festival held on October 31–November 1. The Irish name Samhain is derived from Old Irish and means “summer’s end” and also November. It marked the end of the harvest, the end of the “lighter half” of the year and beginning of the “darker half”.


New Moon October 8, 2018 in Libra

Cat Moon

The New Moon on Monday the 8th of October 2018 is in Libra.  This New Moon foretells of wealth, honor, and success.  So be prepared for positive things coming your way.  This is an excellent time to visualize positive changes in your life.

Be open-minded and flexible to take advantage of some rare opportunities for riches and honor. The key to success is slow and patient plodding but there will be many temptations and distractions to overcome.


Is October Really the Most Spiritual Month of the Year?


AUTUMN GIFEnlighten Yourself in October.

Traditionally speaking October is a powerful spiritual month. Now is the time to tap into your spiritual inner self.

October is known for its haunted feel. Every day the air feels more and more alive with energy. Often we sense a presence just behind us. It is not your imagination. Spirit activity is more prevalent now than any other time of the year.

This dimension that we live in and the spirit world meets in October. This is the time that The Veil that separates us Thins.

This marks the time to honor the worlds of the seen and unseen – our everyday world, and the worlds of imagination, mystery, and spirit.