Brings You Clarity With Spiritual Phone Readings, Spiritual Classes, eBooks

Archive for December, 2016

We Are Timeless!

There is a place of observation within you that sits in an eternal, timeless, perspective. This place is a gift given so that you might come to know that everything is suitable to its season, and made appropriate in its time. Eternity is in your heart; without it you could never discover your intended purpose and work, or the way all things serve an ultimate purpose. Honor that eternal perspective, and it honors you.

Make the most of the rest of 2016, soon it will end! Then the most marvelous thing occurs we get 365 new days to perform our art and perfect our lives!

Many Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

To Read My Full New Year’s Message Click Here.

What Your Deceased Pet Wants You To Know After Life!

I know you are an animal lover like I am. Throughout my entire life my closest relationships have been with animals. Long before I understood my abilities I was able to communicate telepathically with all of my animals starting from the age of three.

I’ve had everything from turtles, dogs, cats, birds, mice, as my companions. Each one holds a special place in my heart.

This time 30 years ago my precious little dog Lady was dying of cancer and passed on January 1.  I have been reliving that whole experience in my head these past few days so I know how people feel about losing their pets.

Many people contact me who are saddened by the loss of their beloved pet. I thought that it would be helpful for you to know what your pet wants you to know after their passing.

In my video I outline the main points your beloved pet wants you to know from the other side. Take a few moments and watch this video to learn more about your baby on the other side.  The good news is when your time comes and you cross the rainbow bridge you will be reunited with your beloved baby.

Your dog, your cat, your bird – chose you, as the one who would make them feel the most loved and bring them the most comfort and joy while they were here. And you did.

Your pet wants you know that you were and are the perfect parent.

Do You Need Help Communicating With Your Pet?  

Let me connect you with your deceased or living pet today! As an intuitive I offer distance sessions, by phone, in which I can connect to pets both living and deceased! Over the years I have communicated with everyone from horses to hamsters and it’s been a real pleasure to talk to these lovely beings.  Learn more at my web site: be sure and sign up for my newsletter so that you receive the newest information from me on a regular basis. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

My Christmas Message for the World!

Christmas isn’t about candy canes, holly, or lights all aglow. It’s about the hearts that we touch and the care that we show. The most important gifts under a tree are love, laughter, and happiness.

In the Spirit of Christmas, this IS the season to: love, give, share, forgive, hope, laugh, hug, and just enjoy our lives! So do what you can to spread the Love!

What I would like for Christmas is the following: Feed the Hungry, Cure the Sick, Homes for the Homeless, Protect our Troops, Gifts to the Gift-less, to name a few.

I pray that everyone has more compassion, love, tolerance, peace, friendship, good health, and abundance, now and always. That is what I want for Christmas.

Let hatred and anger be banished from all hearts. May each person be filled with love and light.

Remembering those that we love who have passed into spirit. May you feel their presence now and always!

Pause for a few moments TODAY and think about all that you have to be grateful for.

Give thanks for all the blessings that are provided by The Creator.

Have a wonderful Christmas my friends.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

A Christmas Eve Party for the Little Ones.


This is a really nice tradition that you can start with your children or grandchildren this year.  You can turn this night into a party for all of you.

Start with a box and fill it with Christmas decorated pajamas, a Christmas movie, hot chocolate, snacks for the movie and a Christmas book.  Wrap all of it up in Christmas wrap and pass it out early Christmas Eve. This can also be done a day in advance if necessary.

It’s a wonderful way to bond and feel closeness with your children or grandchildren.  In today’s world so many children turn to their Iphone or tablet for communication and it has become a new way of bonding.  It’s time to go back and connect one on one with your loved ones.

Another thing you can put in the box if you choose would be a board game.  These are wonderful as you are what playing with one another and not with a computer.  This year take some of the technology out of your Christmas and find a way back to its real meaning which is love and togetherness.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Elf Donuts!


Elf donuts! Actually these are Cheerios to leave with Santa’s cookies! This is the cutest thing ever! I put this on my Facebook page last year and everyone just loves this idea and I wanted to share it with you. Just put a few drops of frosting then add sprinkles, confectionery or brown sugar. You can make a little box from a matchbox, small jewelry box, or cut up a cardboard box, tape it, and decorate with Christmas wrap. This is great to make with your children and grandchildren. I found this cute idea on Pinterest . Enjoy the holidays my friends,

Christmas blessings,
Cherokee Billie


Full Cold Moon December 14, 2016


The last full moon of the year occurs on December 14, 2016 at 00:06 UTC and is in the sign of Gemini. It starts its transition on December 13. In Native American cultures which tracked the calendar by the Moons, December’s Full Moon was known as the Full Cold Moon. It is fittingly associated with the month when winter cold fastens its grip and the nights become long and dark.

This week is filled with blessings from The Divine. So take some time to stop in the midst of the chaos of the holidays and appreciate all of the spiritual blessings that are coming to us at this time.

Click Here to Read Full Article!

Have a Candy Cane Hunt!


Imagine the excitement your children or grandchildren will have as they search through the branches or inside the house for candy canes. The surprise and delight as they find one is priceless.

Want to hold your own candy cane hunt?

You can use either fake or real candy canes for your hunt.  You can use Red and White Pipe Cleaners twisted together to make quick candy canes or buy plastic candy canes and fill them with treats.  Head outdoors to hide the candy canes, hanging them from various tree limbs and shrubs.  Or, hide them indoors for a fun activity when you’re stuck inside.

Then it’s time for the hunt! Give a countdown and let the fun begin

It is truly magical watching kids race to find candy canes that are hidden among the otherwise barren branches.

Now, grab those candy canes and get ready to hear some joyous laughter.

Have Fun,
Cherokee Billie 🙂

How to Communicate with a Deceased Loved One! Audio Class


You can develop the gift of communicating with a departed loved one. I am here to demystify the belief that only a select person or group to is able to have this talent.  Each one of us possesses psychic abilities, and its learning to use them that will help us pierce the veil between our world and the spirit world.

Can you communicate with a loved one?  In a nutshell – Yes, You Can.  You would be amazed at how much the deceased want to communicate back to those that they loved, especially the first few months after they have departed.  You may be getting contacted right now from someone you love and are not aware of it.  We pass off supernatural things as everyday mishaps so often. We could be being contacted by those on the other side, loved ones, but we do not realize it.

Open up your spiritual self and you will be amazed at what you truly hear and see.

You can now have the class as an audio download! In this audio download I teach you the techniques for communicating with a deceased loved one.  This is a one hour fifty minute class that you can play over and over as I teach a small select group how to connect with their deceased loved ones.

This is a remarkable class and is extremely helpful as many people feel a great sense of loss during the holidays and hearing from a loved one can change the mood from sad to glad.

What I Do In This Class Is:

  • Go over the ways that your loved ones attempt to communicate with you
  • Teach you techniques to start developing communication with your loved ones
  • Answer your questions about channeling
  • I give you the spiritual tools for you to communicate with your loved one.

Click Here to Learn More.

I also do Private Channeling if you desire as well as Private Classes.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie.

36 Years Since John Lennon Was Assassinated!


It is hard to believe that it has been 36 years since one of the beacons of light that shined upon our consciousness and our world was extinguished.  John Lennon touched the lives of so many people with his music, his strong views about peace, and stopping war.  He was willing to expose all parts of himself the good and the not so good.  Yet, he always remained true to himself. Click Here To Read Full Article

Remembering Jim Morrison on his 76th Birthday.

Wow, it’s hard to fathom Jim Morrison at 76 years of age.  He was born December 08, 1943.  There are some people that come in to this world who are not meant to be here for long periods of time and Jim Morrison was one of them.  He was an old soul and knew this at a young age when most children are still playing games.

Whatever Jim did he gave it 100 percent of himself.  He never compromised who he was for anyone, despite the enormous pressure on him once he became famous. He was a true free spirit, who lived his life the way that he wanted to.

Some of you may know the music of The Doors and not be aware of the many volumes of poetry that Jim Morrison wrote.  He really wanted to be a filmmaker and he was making a movie called HWY that never got completed. I am enclosing the video below so that you can see how unlimited his talent was.

Many people try to give an opinion of who or what Jim Morrison was in life, but I believe that he kept a lot of who he really was to himself.  He gave so much of himself as an artist that he had to have a little bit reserved for him.

There was far more to Jim Morrison then just being a rock superstar. Let me show you what I mean.

At a young age he was exposed to shamanism and throughout his life realized he was a spiritual teacher. To many he did not come across as such, but when you read his writings and study his life you realize this man saw spiritual truths and tried to convey them through his music, poetry, and performance.

According to Jim Morrison, one of the most important events of his life occurred when he was a child in 1949, during a family road trip in New Mexico, when he and his parents and grandmother came across the scene of an accident in the desert. Jim realized the Native Americans were bleeding to death and was afraid. He came to believe that the souls of the newly-dead Indians were running around, “freaked out,” and that one had leaped into him. This experience greatly influenced the content of his songs, poems, and interviews.

As Jim Morrison said of poetry:
“Real poetry doesn’t say anything, it just ticks off the possibilities… opens all doors you can walk through any one that suits you. If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel.”

Greatness was thrust upon him at an early age; he was a superstar by 22.  Despite this he never had the trappings of the newly rich.  He never owned a car or a house.  He lived in $10.00 a night motel rooms and only owned a few clothes and books. He lived a simplistic lifestyle, because it was enough being a superstar.  The other members of The Doors at this time all had homes and cars.

Jim  was the first rock star to ever be arrested on stage during a performance.  This happened December 9, 1967 in New Haven, Connecticut.  He was booked on charges of indecency, public obscenity, disturbing the peace and resisting arrest.   Before the concert Jim was backstage making out with a girl.  A police officer spotted them and said they had to leave.  Jim told the officer he was in the band.  The cop got pushy with Jim. Jim tried to push him away and then the cop maced him.  .

Jim still went on stage and performed the concert.  During the last song Jim started to tell the crowd about what happened backstage. The cops shut the music down and came directly onstage to arrest him. From that time onward the police were always looking for an excuse to come after Jim.

Unfortunately his fame could not be contained and it took over his life.  He enjoyed many of the perks, but did not like losing his privacy, and found ways to get lost in the crowd.  He was an alcoholic and drank mass amounts of whiskey a day.  No one could control him, and things went down hill when he was accused of exposing his penis in front of an audience at a rock concert in Miami Florida.  He was arrested and faced Federal prison time for lewd lascivious behavior, two misdemeanors for public profanity, two for public exposure and one for public drunkenness. No one could prove that he did such a thing, and, considering how many photographs were being taken nonstop at the concert, it is highly unlikely that it happened because there is no proof. Sometimes we get trapped by our life and don’t know how to undo the web’s that surround us.

I am grateful that he graced this world for a moment, but he will always live on.

Some may say that he burnt out, but to burn out you first have to be on FIRE!

I will leave you with this final thought from Jim Morrison.
“I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable.”

Sending you lots of love on the anniversary of your birthday Jim.
Cherokee Billie

My Collection of Photographs and Music of Jim Morrison. Click Here

Riders On The Storm by The Doors. My favorite song of The Doors and the last song Jim Morrison ever recorded.