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Archive for December, 2013

New Year’s Prayer to the Great Spirit

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Oh Great Spirit I raise smoke to the four sacred winds and the four corners, so that the blessings can reach my brothers and sisters all in every corner of Great Mother Earth while the smoke disperses all over Father Sky and lit by Mother Moon.

Let the smoke pass to each their blessing for this New Year and do away with all sorrows and unhappiness, fill their homes with love, and the light of your wisdom. If any be sick cure them. If sad make them happy. If they have needs fulfill them.

Protect them from all evil. Please Father Keep them in good health, give them long life, and abundance. Give them all your love as they love you.

They can give testimony to your power and mercy, and most important your love. Oh Great Father in heaven I love you with all my heart as I love my brothers and sisters all. I am your servant and theirs. I ask for only one thing give me Strength to keep going on doing as I do on the Sacred Path. And so it is! AMEN.

It is recommended that you clean your spirit, home, car, and any other environment you are in contact with using smudge sticks. I have enclosed a link where you can read the details of how to practice this sacred ceremony for the New Year!

To Learn How to Cleanse Your Spirit for the New Year Native American Style Click Here..

Sending you New Year’s blessings,
Cherokee Billie

January 01, 2014 New Year-New Moon

January 01, 2014 New Year-New Moon
2014 begins when the clock strikes midnight on January 01, 2014. NOW is a great time to make sure you have all your ‘T’s” crossed and “I’s” dotted to make 2014 your best year ever.

January 1 – New Moon. A perfect beginning for Year of the ‘New Earth’. The New Moon of January 1st, 2014 will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth, yet the energy will pervade the entire planet. This phase occurs at 11:14 UTC. New moons are the optimal time to begin new projects, a rising (waxing) moon gains energy, adds energy to endeavors. An auspicious beginning to a powerful year!

The New Year begins synchronously with a new moon phase. This is perfect timing to set New Year’s resolutions or simply create a plan for the month. It is important to pull our energy inward, to be the brightest lights we can, to show the greatest love we can. We hope the light we shine will catch others alight.

On the evening of the New Moon beginning on January 1, 2014, and continuing on each New Moon through December 22, 2014, fill a glass with pure clean water. Hold your filled glass and take a moment to stand before any sacred space that you have set up or is special to you and breathe into your center – that deep internal place that is the source of your intent and where all change is possible. Internalize the knowing that All Water is One Water, with the power to cleanse and purify, to wash away the dust of all that was. Know that water always seeks to flow and in so doing erodes away all the blocks and obstacles that hinder its progress.

Fill yourself with all the thoughts of change that help this world to be better in all ways. Bring up all the ways that you can help to foster and create that change, not only within but also in your daily life to the world around you. Allow those intentions and energy to flow into the water that you hold.

Add to its power by singing, drumming or raising energy in your own unique way. Allow your energy to infuse the remaining water within your glass while deeply knowing that all water is connected. Remember that all water is one water, and that the water of our bodies is the same as the sea and the rain and the river. The energy of water flows and returns to you like a great tide, the waves of true and undeniable change that begins with your own personal divine source.

Drink some of the water in your glass and allow the energy to infuse all parts of your inner self, knowing that you raising your vibration to a higher level.

As this year goes by and you find the need to do something important, to hold for the greater good, to take a stand, or to feel empowered in your truth, remember the power of the water within you. The water in our blood and in our bodies is connected to all the waters of the world in ways that are compassionate, empowering, creative and ever flowing. It always finds or creates the right and correct path as it makes its way, as it flows from the places of old to the places of new with truth, conscience, responsible action, self empowerment, and personal sovereignty.

Make a difference this year in your life and in your part of the world.

Wishing you a peaceful, prosperous, and Happy New Year!

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Testing for Gossip

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, “Do you know what I just heard about your friend?”

“Hold on a minute,” Socrates replied.
“Before telling me anything I’d like you to pass a little test. It’s called the Triple Filter Test.”

“Triple filter?”

“That’s right,” Socrates continued.

“Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you’re going to say. That’s why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is Truth.

Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?”

“No,” the man said, “Actually I just heard about it and …”

“All right,” said Socrates. “So you don’t really know if it’s true or not. Now let’s try the second filter, the filter…

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Twas The Night Before Christmas

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

This poem was written by a Marine stationed in Okinawa Japan.









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My Christmas Message

christmas child
Christmas isn’t about candy canes, holly, or lights all aglow. It’s about the hearts that we touch and the care that we show. The most important gifts under a tree are love, laughter, and happiness.

In the Spirit of Christmas, this IS the season to: love, give, share, forgive, hope, laugh, hug, and just enjoy our lives! So do what you can to spread the Love!

What I would like for Christmas is the following: Feed the Hungry, Cure the Sick, Homes for the Homeless, Bring the troops home, Gifts to the Gift-less, to name a few. I pray that everyone has more compassion, love, tolerance, peace, friendship, good health, and abundance, now and always. That is what I want for Christmas.

Remembering those that we love who have passed into spirit. May you feel their presence now and always.

Pause for a few moments in this busy holiday season and think about all that you have to be grateful for. Give thanks for all the blessings that are provided by The Creator.

Have a wonderful Christmas my friends.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Magic Elf Seeds

Christmas Craft Ideas CUT
This is a wonderful tradition to start for little children. Remind them that the Elves make the toys and are Santa Claus helpers, so they understand why they are planting seeds. Explain that the Elves will leave them a gift. The night before Christmas take a bowl and fill it with sugar or flour. Then have the children plant candy in the bowl as seeds. Once the children are in bed remove the candy and fill the bowl with Candy Canes. Can you imagine the looks on their precious little faces in the morning when they see the gift that the Elves gave them?

Create new memories this Christmas that will last a lifetime.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Holidays are Filled with Magic at Any Age! By Cherokee Billie

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

As you get older are you finding that you dread holidays? Maybe it is time for you to renew your self and become childlike. Remember the fascination, wonder, and anticipation concerning Christmas each year when you were a child? This is where we need to be once more. Many have let the sparkle go out of their lives.

Whether you celebrate this holiday religiously or not does not matter. What is important is letting yourself go back and remember the fun Christmas was for you as a child.

Forget about all of the obligations you have; sometimes we have to let things go. Perhaps you do not have to attend a business Christmas party. Is anyone really going to be upset that you are not there? What is more important for you that day? Do you need to do something that satisfies your soul? Perhaps baking cookies and decorating them…

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Channeling Loved Ones During The Holidays

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

angel on tree Channeling a deceased loved one
Every year during the holidays I get an increase of people contacting me to channel/communicate with a deceased loved one. I understand the need to know that your loved one is doing well and still connected with you.

Because of psychic mediums such as John Edwards more and more people are starting to believe in life after death. I am grateful for the famous psychics who are making headway teaching about the spirit world.

This week has been some interesting calls. I have had two people call me wanting to contact a loved one that committed suicide. These people are left with so many questions because they want to know why and also they are concerned about where their loved one is in the spirit world. Because of many teachings people believe that a suicide victim is condemned to hell. That is not the case. There are some teachings and…

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Elf donuts!

Cherokee Billie Spiritual Advisor

Elf donuts!
Elf donuts! Actually these are Cheerios to leave with Santa’s cookies! This is the cutest thing ever! I put this on my Facebook page the other day and everyone just loves this idea and I wanted to share it with you. Just put a few drops of frosting then add sprinkles, confectionery or brown sugar. You can make a little box from a matchbox, small jewelry box, or cut up a cardboard box, tape it, and decorate with Christmas wrap. This is great to make with your children and grandchildren. I found this cute idea on Pinterest . Enjoy the holidays my friends, Cherokee Billie

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33 years since John Lennon was assassinated, December 08, 2013.

The Last Photograph Taken of John Lennon Hours before His Assassination

The Last Photograph Taken of John Lennon Hours before His Assassination

For those who do not know much about John Lennon, here is a brief scenario (John Winston Lennon), October 09, 1940 – December 08, 1980. Born in Liverpool, England John was a member of the Beatles, a prolific songwriter, and also had a successful solo career. He was shot and killed as he entered his apartment building in New York City. He was 40. John Lennon was the first celebrity assassinated.

It is hard to believe that it has been 33 years since one of the beacons of light that shined upon our consciousness and our world was extinguished. John Lennon touched the lives of so many people with his music, his strong views about peace, and stopping war. He was willing to expose all parts of himself the good and the not so good. Yet, he always remained true to himself.

I was twelve years old when the Beatles came to America, and I was immediately drawn to the humor of John Lennon. He demonstrated his intelligence in any interview given. The music of the Beatles was magic at that time, and it certainly lit a fire under me that has not extinguished to this day. I was fortunate to see the Beatles perform live three times fortunately I was close to the stage the last time I saw them, and it was indescribable.

John was always the most outspoken, and, at one point in 1966, he was condemned in the United States because of stating that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. He was not saying that they were greater than Jesus but just that their popularity extended farther. It was the truth at that time. From then on he received death threats and was told that he would be assassinated during their 1966 United States tour. This is one of the main reasons the Beatles stopped performing live.

Fame was a great pressure on John, and he looked for other avenues to explore having conquered the world. He discovered LSD and used it to open up his creativity. From there he discovered meditation and went to India to practice and learn from a master. He met Yoko Ono, and they fell in love even though they were both married at the time. He felt Yoko was his soul mate, and they were together until the end of his life.

They started a movement for peace and love. He gained new world recognition for his peace movement and his views against all wars. He expressed his views through his music and many people paid attention. His goal was to have people get along and follow the path of love and peace. For a time John went into seclusion, but in 1980 he was making a comeback with a new album, the first in five years, and ready to get back into his many causes.

Unfortunately there was a man who was jealous of John’s fame and success and decided that he could obtain some fame by killing John Lennon. And on a cold December night he did the unthinkable.

I was driving in my car when I heard the announcement of his death on the radio; it was surreal. Was I having a nightmare? I kept changing the radio channels, and the news was the same that someone had murdered John in cold blood. How could John Lennon be killed so senselessly? The irony of his violent death shocked the world. This man, who had delivered so many messages of love and peace, had been taken out in such a violent manner; it was just unthinkable.

Rather than dwell on his murder I want to remember all that he did in his short 40 years. He definitely kept me aware of what was going on in the world through his music and his peaceful demonstrations. He gave a voice to the consciousness that so many were feeling and unable to find the words or ways to express it. John did.

Ironically he was killed on the birthday of Jim Morrison, singer, songwriter, and poet of The Doors, who if he would have lived would be 70 years old this year. So many brilliant men have gone, but their words and music live on.

Each year new people discover John Lennon for the first time. In Havana, Cuba, they have a wonderful bronze statue of John Lennon sitting casually on a park bench as though he is observing those who pass by. Recently a teenager in another country asked me if I knew who John Lennon was. I just had to smile at that question.

Worldwide he is loved. His legacy will never be forgotten.

John Lennon will be remembered and his life celebrated at the free-to-the-public annual John Lennon Memorial Gathering. The event starts at 2 p.m. Dec. 8 at his Hollywood Walk of Fame star in front of the Capitol Records Tower Building at 1750 North Vine Street in Hollywood. Chris Carter, radio host of “Breakfast With the Beatles” in Los Angeles, will join with longtime peace activist Jerry Rubin and Lennon star polisher Dennis Garling to lead a “Give Peace a Chance” group candle lighting ceremony.

Thank you for everything you left us John and we will try to keep delivering your message of peace. With love, Cherokee Billie

To View My Collection Of Photographs And Music From John Lennon And The Beatles Click Here!

So This Is Christmas by John Lennon