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Full Harvest Moon September 20, 2021

Time to say goodbye to Summer and welcome the arrival of Autumn which will be heralded by a Harvest Moon on Sept. 20 in Pisces.  In traditional Skylore, the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox, which will take place on Sept. 22.  There’s more power around this full Moon vent any of the others this past year because of it coming right next to the Fall Equinox.  

Golden Ray of Creation The Christ Consciousness

The Golden Ray is the 12th Ray of Creation and is the frequency of God’s Light that emanates from the Great Central Sun of our universe.

Learn all about This Powerful Energy in my Video

Many Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

The History of Labor Day


I find it interesting to know the history about certain holidays and here is information on Labor Day, which was first held in 1882. It became a federal holiday in 1894. It was originally intended that the day would be filled with a street parade to allow the public to appreciate the work of the trade and labor organizations. After the parade, a festival was to be held to amuse local workers and their families. In later years, prominent men and women held speeches. This is less common now, but is sometimes seen in election years.

One of the reasons for choosing to celebrate this on the first Monday in September was to add a holiday in the long gap between Independence Day and Thanksgiving.

Labor Day was originally organized to celebrate various labor associations’ strengths of and contributions to the United States economy. It is largely a day of rest in modern times. Many people mark Labor Day as the end of the summer season and a last chance to make trips or hold outdoor events.

In some neighborhoods, people organize fireworks displays, barbecues and public arts or sports events. The football season starts on or around Labor Day and many teams play their first game of the year during Labor Day weekend. As it is the last chance for many people to take summer trips, there may be some congestion on highways and at airports. Public transit systems do not usually operate on their regular timetables.

Here are some interesting quotes about labor.

Anatole France

Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another.

Thomas Geoghegan

When people ask me, ‘Why can’t labor organize the way it did in the thirties?’ the answer is simple: everything we did then is now illegal.

Abraham Lincoln

If any man tells you he loves America, yet hates labor, he is a liar. If any man tells you he trusts America, yet fears labor, he is a fool.

Henry George

Poorly paid labor is inefficient labor, the world over.

John Locke

It is labor indeed that puts the difference on everything.

Bill Dodds

Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken.

Marc Chagall

Work isn’t to make money; you work to justify life.

Dorothea Dix

A man usually values that most for which he has labored; he uses that most frugally which he has toiled hour by hour and day by day to acquire.

Theodore Roosevelt

No man needs sympathy because he has to work, because he has a burden to carry. Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Doug Larson

If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day weekend.

May you have a wonderful day my friends..

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Cherokee Billie Spiritual

Blue Moon Halloween October 31, 2020

We have a rare magical Blue Moon coming on Halloween October 31, 2020! Grandmother Moon will deliver her wisdom and guiding light. It will be in the sign of Taurus so it’s definitely a time of action. Halloween is often associated with Full Moons and spooky spirits, but it’s not often that a full moon actually happens on the holiday. How rare is this Blue Full Moon? A Halloween full Moon hadn’t appeared for everyone in all time zones since 1944!

Full Moon August 03, 2020

How appropriate that the Sturgeon Full Moon August 03 is in the sign Aquarius. The symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer, symbolically and eternally giving life and spiritual food to the world.

In my article you will learn the significance of this Full Moon.

  • What impact will it have on your life?
  • How to Align with the Cosmos.
  • What Archangel rules over this Moon?
  • What is the Lions Gateway?
  • How to Work with These Cosmic Energies
  • What will Increase Your Energy during the Full Moon?

To get the full scoop Click Here

Full Thunder Moon July 4/5, 2020

thunder moon 400

Time to Check Your Emotions at The Door!

The summer skies will light up on July 4/5, 2020 in Capricorn.  Lunar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde.

With Mercury being retrograde emotions are extremely heightened and it’s important you be aware of the planetary aspects that are causing you to feel more emotional than normal.  Do your best to not overreact.  I know that sometimes easier said than done, but you are of the light and can change your part of the world by your actions and emotions.  Again take time to disconnect from everything and go inside yourself and find the peace within.

There is a hunger in my soul that drives me to keep delivering these messages.  I believe there are people out there who want to hear what I am saying about bringing peace and light within you.  This is the only way to true freedom and independence.  The things that we complain about we can change.  It’s being willing to really examine yourself and fully evolve into a peaceful being.  In today’s world that’s not easy to do because it’s all about constant invasion of your privacy.  People are connected to their phones and other Electronic Devices and have forgotten how to just be.  My goal on this planet is to somehow reach a few people and help them wake up.  I believe there are those who really want a different life and are willing to make the changes.  The change you make within you will manifest.


Summer Solstice June 20, 2020

Summer Solstice June 20, 2020

Time for an Upgrade to Our Human and Light Systems! This year, the summer solstice will take place on Saturday, June 20, 2020.

There is going to be a great deal of healing energy around this summer solstice as we have the New Moon on June 21 with a a complete solar eclipse!

What is a solstice? Ancient cultures knew that the sun’s path across the sky, the length of daylight, and the location of the sunrise and sunset all shifted in a regular way throughout the year.

  • They built monuments, such as Stonehenge, to follow the sun’s yearly progress.
  • Today, we know that the solstice is an astronomical event, caused by Earth’s tilt on its axis and its motion in orbit around the sun.
  • Sol + stice derives from a combination of Latin words meaning “sun” + “to stand still.” As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky.

Midsummer is when all may absorb the Sun’s warming rays and it is a celebration of fertility, not only for humans, but also for crops, animals and all beings. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the first day of summer.


Full Wolf Moon Jan. 10, 2020 in Cancer and Lunar Eclipse

Full Wolf Moon January 10, 2020 in Cancer and Lunar Eclipse

January 2020 is a power month and sets the stage for what’s to come, not just for the year ahead but the decade ahead too. What a wonderful way to welcome in the New Year with the powerful Wolf Full Moon.  This is definitely one of my favorite Full Moons because I feel like letting go of the energy I’ve held inside and howl –the howl of freedom and release.

Full Wolf Moon January 21, 2019


Dec. 07, 2018 New Moon


It’s hard to believe that this is our last New Moon of the year, and it’s in the wonderful sign of Sagittarius. This year has just flown by.  Sagittarius influence gives our spirit a lot of color and dimension. So, maybe that gives you some idea of how this New Moon might feel!

As we reach the last month of the year, it’s quite normal to start reflecting on where you have been, how far you have come this year, and wondering what lies ahead for the New Year.

Many of us will feel relieved to leave 2018 in the past.  With each New Year we have anticipation of what is to come and what we can do to improve our lives.

Click Here For Full Article

Angel New Moon November 07, 2018


This is an incredibly powerful New Moon because it is guided and directed by the Angels. You will feel their presence in any type of ceremony or prayer that you do for the New Moon. A reminder you do not have to see the new moon or even do your spiritual work at night because the new moon occurs throughout the day and night.

Ask the angels to help you release and be freed from all of these emotions that have kept you prisoner. Learn how to work with the angels 

Increase your Abundance by learning how to do an Abundance Check Ritual for the New Moon. All this and much more in my latest article.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie