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Archive for October, 2021

Full Moon October 20, 2021 in Aries

The energy has shifted in October and the portal between us and the spirit world is open.  Now is the time to do spiritual protection, prayers for the future, and think on only what is good.  Your thoughts will control what you receive from this energy shift.

The Hunter’s full Moon also called the harvest Moon is here to light up our inner-fires — and maybe start a little drama, too. This one falls in the headstrong and zealous sign of Aries. Everyone will feel the tension and passion of this luminar

In October, we enter the glorious late afternoon of the year. The woodland blazes with vibrant colors. As October passes the door to the otherworld opens wider. We become more receptive to spiritual energies and feel drawn to bond with our ancestors.

 New Moon October 06, 2021 in Libra

If the first week of October feels like trudging through quicksand, you can blame the planets — because we’re kicking off the month at the height of retrograde season 2021. With a whopping six planetary backspin’s in full swing simultaneously (including the final Mercury retrograde of the year), it may feel difficult to move forward on our plans or get a clear picture of our future.

However, we’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief on Oct. 6, as Pluto retrograde ends on the same day as the auspicious new moon in Libra — which collectively brings the feeling of a fresh start. Jupiter and Mercury both follow suit on Oct. 18, at which point communication, thinking, and logistical matters should start running much more smooth