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Posts tagged ‘magic’

October When the 3rd Dimension and the Spirit Worlds Are Interwoven!

mist view

This dimension that we live in and the spirit worlds meet in October.  Just so you know I’m neither a Witch nor a Wiccan. I wouldn’t know what to put in a cauldron besides soup.  What I am is a spiritual being who has taken time to explore the different dimensions.  I like to think of this time of the year as a sacred time to honor my dearly departed and to seek a closer relationship to The Creator.  I always sense the presence of the other worldliness at this special time of the year.  And I give thanks.

This is the time that the veil that separates us thins.  This has been known throughout the beginning of time. This is one of the reasons that nowadays there is a celebration in October called Halloween. Originally this was known as Samhain a Gaelic festival held on October 31–November 1. The Irish name Samhain is derived from Old Irish and means “summer’s end” and also November. It marked the end of the harvest, the end of the “lighter half” of the year and beginning of the “darker half”.


Celebrate the Summer Solstice! June 21, 2017

Summer Solstice Blessings

This year, the summer solstice will take place on Wednesday, June 21, 2017.

Sol + stice derives from a combination of Latin words meaning “sun” + “to stand still.” As the days lengthen, the sun rises higher and higher until it seems to stand still in the sky.

The summer solstice is a time to celebrate the ending of the waxing year and the beginning of the waning year, in preparation for the harvest to come. Midsummer is when all may absorb the Sun’s warming rays and it is a celebration of fertility, not only for humans, but also for crops, animals and all beings.

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the first day of summer. While those in the Northern Hemisphere cover up with sunscreen, residents in the Southern Hemisphere will be wrapping up in their warm clothes in honor of the winter solstice — the shortest day of the year and official start of winter.

Stepping into sacred time is becoming more and more important to our success as spiritual entrepreneurs. Focus on what you want to accomplish over the next few months that will bring peace and happiness into your life.

Stay out of your head as much as possible. Be more of an observer of your thoughts than the thinker of them. Quiet your mind and spend time in nature reconnecting yourself. This is where summer can be a very healing time.

Every single line of energy we have in our bodies and light bodies is being opened, expanded and utilized right now – and some of these energy lines have never been opened up inside of us in this way before. So it can feel a little startling, disconcerting, even bring up anger or frustration. It can also make you feel euphoric, energized, and like your gifts are being magnified – because they are.

We are receiving yet another upgrade to our human and light systems. In other words, our cellular structure is being prepared very quickly, in time for this new energy that Summer Solstice and a number of other celestial events are bringing in. Our spirits are being more fully integrated with our bodies. For some of you it’s happening right now and for some, it will happen closer to or on or just after Summer Solstice.

You know how this whole year so far has been an acceleration of your release of all that does not serve you? Well, right now, it’s as if we’re being squeezed and internally shifted to facilitate the massive release of what remains that needs to leave us.

If ever there was a time to let go and allow… that time is now. The more you resist it, or live in your head about it, the harder it will feel. The more you can allow this energetic/spiritual/physical upgrade, the easier and more amazing you will experience your transformation and success.

The Summer Solstice is called Midsummer or Litha in some medieval and Craft traditions; and Alban Hefin or Alban Heruin in other Celtic and Druidic traditions. In the mythical cycle, this is the end of the reign of the Oak King, and the beginning of the Holly King’s rule.

Litha is a time of great magical power. All forms of Sun magic are going to be amplified, and especially effective for love, healing and prosperity. This is also a very good time to perform blessings for your pets and home.

May the children of Earth awaken, rise up, and be about healing and blessing we need to give one another, and for our holy Mother Earth, our home. In the way of our ancestors, we honor the Turning.

Early Celebrations

Awed by the great power of the sun, civilizations have for centuries celebrated the first day of summer otherwise known as the Summer Solstice, Midsummer (see Shakespeare), St. John’s Day, or Litha.

The Celts and Slavs celebrated the first day of summer with dancing and bonfires to help increase the sun’s energy. The Chinese marked the day by honoring Li, the Chinese Goddess of Light.

In ancient Egypt, the Solstice heralds the New Year. In Ancient Egypt, the summer solstice preceded the appearance of the Sirius star, which the Egyptians believed was responsible for the annual flooding of the Nile that they relied upon for agriculture. Because of this, the Egyptian calendar was set so that the start of the year coincided with the appearance of Sirius, just after the solstice.

The ancient Chinese honored the Yin on the Solstice In ancient China, the summer solstice was the yin to the winter solstice’s yang—literally. Throughout the year, the Chinese believed, the powers of yin and yang waxed and waned in reverse proportion to each other. At the summer solstice, the influence of yang was at its height, but the celebration centered on the impending switch to yin. At the winter solstice, the opposite switch was honored.

Perhaps the most enduring modern ties with Summer Solstice were the Druids’ celebration of the day as the “wedding of Heaven and Earth”, resulting in the present day belief of a “lucky” wedding in June. Now we understand why June has traditionally been the most popular time of the year to be married.

Today, the day is still celebrated around the world – most notably in England at Stonehenge and Avebury, where thousands gather to welcome the sunrise on the Summer Solstice. Stonehenge is an ancient prehistoric site and has been a place of worship and celebration at the time of Summer Solstice since time immemorial.

Pagan spirit gatherings or festivals are also common in June, when groups assemble to light a sacred fire, and stay up all night to welcome the dawn.

Summer Solstice Fun Facts

Pagans called the Midsummer moon the “Honey Moon” for the mead made from fermented honey that was part of wedding ceremonies performed at the Summer Solstice.

Ancient Pagans celebrated Midsummer with bonfires, when couples would leap through the flames, believing their crops would grow as high as the couples were able to jump.

Midsummer was thought to be a time of magic, when evil spirits were said to appear. To thwart them, Pagans often wore protective garlands of herbs and flowers. One of the most powerful of them was a plant called ‘chase-devil’, which is known today as St. John’s Wort and still used by modern herbalists as a mood stabilizer.

“Whatever is dreamed on this night, will come to pass.” ~ William Shakespeare

Now is the perfect time to connect to the Earth’s Energy. If you have wanted to make changes in your life is never too late to create a new you!  Learn How – Click Here For More Information.

Solstice Blessings
Cherokee Billie


What is the Significance of Easter Eggs?


Its common knowledge that Easter is a Christian celebration of Christ’s rising, but this holiday also has pagan origins. Where did the colored eggs, cute little bunnies, baby chicks, leg of lamb dinners, and lilies come from? They are all symbols of rebirth and the lamb was a traditional religious sacrifice.

Easter falls in the spring, the yearly time of renewal, when the earth renews itself after a long, cold winter. The word Easter comes to us from the Norsemen’s Eostur, Eastar, Ostara, and Ostar, and the pagan goddess Eostre, all of which involve the season of the growing sun and new birth. The Easter Bunny arose originally as a symbol of fertility, due to the rapid reproduction habits of the hare and rabbit.

Long hard winters often meant little food, and a fresh egg for Easter was quite a prize. So you can understand why this full moon was often referred to as the Egg Moon.  Later, Christians abstained from eating meat during the Lenten season prior to Easter. Easter was the first chance to enjoy eggs and meat after the long abstinence.

The egg is nature’s perfect package. It has, during the span of history, represented mystery, magic, medicine, food and omen. The egg represents the rebirth of the earth. The long, hard winter is over; the earth burst forth and is reborn just as the egg miraculously burst forth with life. The egg, therefore, is believed to have special powers. It was buried under the foundations of buildings to ward off evil; pregnant young Roman women carried an egg on their persons to foretell the sex of their unborn children; French brides stepped upon an egg before crossing the threshold of their new homes.

It is the universal symbol of Spring celebrations throughout the world and has been dyed, painted, adorned and embellished in the celebration of its special symbolism.

Traditionally, the eggs were marked with brilliant colors along with various types of bands drawn upon them which represented the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Other symbols representing the triple Goddess, the Sun, and such shapes as triangles, squares, circles, and dots can usually be found. The drawing of special signs upon a symbolic object as with the eggs is a form of magic, as is done when creating a talisman or amulet.

Now you understand why eggs are colored at this time of year.

Whatever your beliefs are enjoy and celebrate them during this holy time.

Wishing you, and those you love, the blessings of a glorious Easter.!
Cherokee Billie


New Moon –New Beginnings

A new moon ritual for new beginnings

The new moon occurs on October 13, 2015 marking the beginning of a new cycle.  The new moon is a time of initiation and new beginnings. It is the time to plant a seed of what you want to grow in your life. Making a wish, an intention, a promise, or a vow is a common custom. It is believed that as the moon grows, that your intention or goal will too usually by the time the moon completes its cycle and returns full circle to new again.

For example farmers knew this, so they started to plan their harvests and seeding around the moon cycles. These farmers noticed through time passing that the seeds that took the best were seeded during the new moon. The new moon is also a time of seeding ideas and intentions. Theses seeded ideas will then sprout with the coming full moon just as the seed lie waiting in darkness to break forth into the light to bring fruit, so should you allow the gestation and creation of such idea to bring about physical results.

Set your New Moon Intentions in Motion

  • New Moon Magic: Make a fresh start, begin a project, initiate a new relationship, start a new routine.
  • Create a ritual: Set an intention, write down your wishes, dreams, and desires.
  • Light a white/silver candle; imagine the new moving toward you in joyful, powerful ways.
  • Spend a few moments breathing in the energy of this new reality each day, making it more and more tangible.
  • Work this for one moon cycle and re-access and energize on the next new moon if needed.

New Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

A new moon is a good time to get a Spiritual Reading – you can contact me at

October When The Worlds Are Interwoven

This dimension that we live in and the spirit world meet in October.  This is the time that the veil that separates us thins.  This has been known throughout the beginning of time. This is one of the reasons that nowadays there is a celebration in October called Halloween. Originally this was known as Samhain a Gaelic festival held on October 31–November 1. The Irish name Samhain is derived from Old Irish and means “summer’s end” and also November. It marked the end of the harvest, the end of the “lighter half” of the year and beginning of the “darker half”.

To find out what this October can bring into your life listen to my video.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

A bit of History of Easter Eggs

easter-eggsIts common knowledge that Easter is a Christian celebration of Christ’s rising, but this holiday also has pagan origins. Where did the colored eggs, cute little bunnies, baby chicks, leg of lamb dinners, and lilies come from? They are all symbols of rebirth and the lamb was a traditional religious sacrifice.

Easter falls in the spring, the yearly time of renewal, when the earth renews itself after a long, cold winter. The word Easter comes to us from the Norsemen’s Eostur, Eastar, Ostara, and Ostar, and the pagan goddess Eostre, all of which involve the season of the growing sun and new birth. The Easter Bunny arose originally as a symbol of fertility, due to the rapid reproduction habits of the hare and rabbit.

egg moon

.The full moon on Saturday on April 04, 2015 is also known as the Egg Moon.  Long hard winters often meant little food, and a fresh egg for Easter was quite a prize. So you can understand why this full moon was often referred to as the Egg Moon.  Later, Christians abstained from eating meat during the Lenten season prior to Easter. Easter was the first chance to enjoy eggs and meat after the long abstinence.

The egg is nature’s perfect package. It has, during the span of history, represented mystery, magic, medicine, food and omen. The egg represents the rebirth of the earth. The long, hard winter is over; the earth burst forth and is reborn just as the egg miraculously burst forth with life. The egg, therefore, is believed to have special powers. It was buried under the foundations of buildings to ward off evil; pregnant young Roman women carried an egg on their persons to foretell the sex of their unborn children; French brides stepped upon an egg before crossing the threshold of their new homes.

It is the universal symbol of Spring celebrations throughout the world and has been dyed, painted, adorned and embellished in the celebration of its special symbolism.

Traditionally, the eggs were marked with brilliant colors along with various types of bands drawn upon them which represented the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Other symbols representing the triple Goddess, the Sun, and such shapes as triangles, squares, circles, and dots can usually be found. The drawing of special signs upon a symbolic object as with the eggs is a form of magic, as is done when creating a talisman or amulet.

Now you understand why eggs are colored at this time of year.

Whatever your beliefs are enjoy and celebrate them during this holy time.

Wishing you, and those you love, the blessings of a glorious Easter!
Cherokee Billie

Love is…

Love is like magic and it always will be
For love still remains life’s sweet mystery

Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change

Love can transform the most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace

Love is unselfish, understanding and kind
For it sees with its heart and not with its mind

Love gives and forgives
There is nothing too much
For love to heal with its magic touch

Love is the language that every heart speaks
For love is the one thing that every heart seeks

Remember: Love is found in unexpected places!

To Learn More About Love And Spirituality Read More Here

Do You Believe In Magick Spells?

By Cherokee Billie.

Magic, miracles, manifest themselves every day. Recently I was looking up the most hit keywords for my website and I put in the keyword “love psychic.” Well what popped up was “Love spells.” That keyword is far more popular than anything to do with psychic readings. Apparently people are paying for love spells and it is a large moneymaking industry.

Here is what I know; the only magic that exists comes from The Divine Creator and the Angels. By paying for a magic spell you are taking the power away from Spirit and yourself and giving someone else control in your life. You are enabling someone to have power over your life.

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within You! If you truly believe this you would understand that you have the connection to the Divine Creator and that your prayers and thoughts are far more powerful, because you have the connection, than someone you do not know casting a spell for you. All Prayers are heard. You may not get exactly what you want, but The Creator knows what you need for your personal growth. Prayers are answered in many different ways.

Remember negative energies attach themselves to people and you can take care of removing the negative energy from your life, but how can you remove it from someone who is casting a spell for you? By paying for a magick spell you are saying that someone else is more powerful than you and that you are helpless. This is playing with your life and you should not turn control over to someone else.

If you have fallen in love with someone it is your free will at work allowing you to choose love. It is important to remember that free will is one of the main players in romantic love.

There is no magick spell that can cause someone to love you. If you think about it would you really want someone to love you because of a magical spell? No, you would want them to love you for you. For more information read my article on The Free Will of Love.

By receiving a psychic reading you are not giving control of your life away. The psychic is merely telling you what the potential for the future can be. The person receiving the reading can take the information they receive and do with it what they choose. There is nobody controlling them.

Before you plunk down your money for a magic spell why don’t you contact the Divine Creator, the Ancestors, and the Angels first and see what they do for you. Miracles happen every day and your miracle could be on its way to you right now!

Music is Magic!

by Cherokee Billie.

The song of life has a beautiful rhythm. At times, we forget the lyrics, but as long as good people provide the melody, life’s music plays on!

Music is magic! Music speaks louder than words and it’s a ‘language’ that the whole world understands. Did you know that people can be mentally conditioned to respond to a set stimulus like a series of tone signals? It works almost like a telephone does: You can dial a certain combination of numbers and that special sequence keys the equipment to connect one instrument with another. You’ve probably noticed at times how if a piece of music hits the right combination of notes for you; it can generate a significant response in your heart and mind. It has a psychological and spiritual effect on you. And if you’re really spiritually tuned, it can sometimes have a profound effect on you akin to sensing an electrical current or to receiving a personal radio signal.

Certain kinds of music will turn you on for certain kinds of things -it’s Spiritual. I listened to music all my life, but when I was twelve years old the Beatles came to America and my whole world opened up. Their music turned me on so much that it was just like I was flipping out into another world. I understood the music and I knew what was going on at deeper levels.

For those of you who were not alive when the Beatles exploded across America you won’t easily understand the significance of their impact upon not only America, but the entire world. They changed the way we dressed, looked, acted, spoke… and even our culture. The Beatles arrived in America just under three months after the assassination of President John Kennedy. This assassination had pulled America into a massive depression and the freshness and lively spirit of the Beatles was exactly what the country needed to revitalize itself.

The power of their music was definitely inspired and I believe that the Divine Spirit was working with them, to deliver the message of love to the world. A world which was in such chaos in the 1960’s.

Music links the heart of the hearer with the heart of the composer. This means that as you listen it blends the spirit of the composer with your spirit. It’s almost like the composer is a spirit guide, with you taking the role of the psychic medium – as the music becomes your crystal ball! When you listen to their music you gaze with them into the crystal ball, and all of a sudden your spirits are united and you both see and feel the same things. It sucks your spirit out of your body and transports you into another world.

Suddenly you’re enraptured and revitalized and metaphorically transported into the World of the Spirit in that magical way that music can do. This is definitely the feeling I get when I listen to Jimi Hendrix. He was a brilliant musical guide.

The spiritual realm is far more real then the physical world! Music is like a vehicle to take you into the spirit world. Some people can receive messages from Heaven through the lyrics of songs. In answer to a question for instance – The Great Spirit can bring an apt verse to mind that provides the answer to the conundrum. It’s a form of clairaudience. Songs that resonate with an individual can be used to send information to an individual. Spirit resonates with the ‘tuning’ that the recipient of the message has and sends the message with ‘the right vibes’, so to speak. This means that it would be difficult for someone who’s tuned in to Chopin to understand the sounds of Jimi Hendrix, although both were inspired by Spirit.

Composers are definitely tuned into the spirit world and inspired! Mozart’s music was completely different and inspires tranquility. Scientific research has even shown that music by Mozart can help to calm hysterical people and settle their minds.

You can tell a lot about music by its effect on you. Is it beautiful or is it ugly? Is it inspiring or is it oppressive? What impression does it have on your spirit?

What inspires so many people about a lot of the music of the Beatles is, I think, that it makes them feel happy. It’s fantastic music and it evokes good feelings. She Loves You! Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band! Hey Jude! Such enjoyable songs that inspire people around the world to join in and sing along with John, Paul, George, and Ringo.

Why is music so prevalent in our lives? Why do we connect so well with music?
According to the American Music Therapy Association:
Music is used in general hospitals to: alleviate pain in conjunction with anesthesia or pain medication: elevate patients’ mood and counteract depression; promote movement for physical rehabilitation; calm or sedate, often to induce sleep; counteract apprehension or fear; and lesson muscle tension for the purpose of relaxation, including the autonomic nervous system.

Music therapy is used in some psychiatric facilities, as well as in hospitals, nursing homes… and schools.

Chances are you’ve unknowingly developed your own form of music therapy. Have you ever felt low and played one of your favorite songs to soothe yourself? What about popping your favorite CD on to calm yourself down when you’re angry?

Music has a great way of touching people. Music can make you laugh, cry, shout and so much more. It’s also a great source of inspiration. Try this sometime and notice what happens: make yourself a cup of tea, sit down in your sofa and turn up your stereo as you play one of your favorite songs. Close your eyes, and soon you’ll find yourself creating mental images – matching the music you’re enjoying. Maybe you’ll even get a sense that the words of the song have a special ‘message’ for you too? And you’ll probably notice that you feel good within no time! Enjoy the Magical Music!

Love is…

Love is like magic and it always will be
For love still remains lifes sweet mystery

Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change

Love can transform the most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace

Love is unselfish, understanding and kind
For it sees with its heart and not with its mind

Love gives and forgives
There is nothing too much
For love to heal with its magic touch

Love is the language that every heart speaks
For love is the one thing that every heart seeks!