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Posts tagged ‘communication’

A Christmas Eve Party for the Little Ones.


This is a really nice tradition that you can start with your children or grandchildren this year.  You can turn this night into a party for all of you.

Start with a box and fill it with Christmas decorated pajamas, a Christmas movie, hot chocolate, snacks for the movie and a Christmas book.  Wrap all of it up in Christmas wrap and pass it out early Christmas Eve. This can also be done a day in advance if necessary.

It’s a wonderful way to bond and feel closeness with your children or grandchildren.  In today’s world so many children turn to their Iphone or tablet for communication and it has become a new way of bonding.  It’s time to go back and connect one on one with your loved ones.

Another thing you can put in the box if you choose would be a board game.  These are wonderful as you are what playing with one another and not with a computer.  This year take some of the technology out of your Christmas and find a way back to its real meaning which is love and togetherness.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

How to Communicate with a Deceased Loved One! Audio Class


You can develop the gift of communicating with a departed loved one. I am here to demystify the belief that only a select person or group to is able to have this talent.  Each one of us possesses psychic abilities, and its learning to use them that will help us pierce the veil between our world and the spirit world.

Can you communicate with a loved one?  In a nutshell – Yes, You Can.  You would be amazed at how much the deceased want to communicate back to those that they loved, especially the first few months after they have departed.  You may be getting contacted right now from someone you love and are not aware of it.  We pass off supernatural things as everyday mishaps so often. We could be being contacted by those on the other side, loved ones, but we do not realize it.

Open up your spiritual self and you will be amazed at what you truly hear and see.

You can now have the class as an audio download! In this audio download I teach you the techniques for communicating with a deceased loved one.  This is a one hour fifty minute class that you can play over and over as I teach a small select group how to connect with their deceased loved ones.

This is a remarkable class and is extremely helpful as many people feel a great sense of loss during the holidays and hearing from a loved one can change the mood from sad to glad.

What I Do In This Class Is:

  • Go over the ways that your loved ones attempt to communicate with you
  • Teach you techniques to start developing communication with your loved ones
  • Answer your questions about channeling
  • I give you the spiritual tools for you to communicate with your loved one.

Click Here to Learn More.

I also do Private Channeling if you desire as well as Private Classes.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie.

If You Want To Ruin A Relationship-Keep Texting!

by Cherokee Billie.
As a psychic advisor the majority of my calls are from people with problems in their love life. What I have observed that is ruining relationships is modern technology. In today’s world everything is about NOW. Patience is a thing of the past and everybody wants what they want right now. This is where the art of communication is dying.

Nowadays people use Text Messaging, Sexting, Facebook, Myspace, and E-Mail as ways of communicating with someone that they are in a relationship with or trying to have a relationship with.

Let me explain to you that this is not real communication. The Dictionary defines communication as the following: The Act of Communicating; Transmission.

a. The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, (Texting is not writing) or behavior.
b. Interpersonal rapport.
c. The art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas.

True communication is face to face or by telephone where you can hear the tone and pick up the vibration of what this person is feeling towards you. It’s impossible to understand what someone is meaning if it’s a joke or if it’s something serious with a few simple text messages back and forth.


Communication Breakdown

Ever receive an email, text message, or Facebook message from a friend or contact and because of the way it was written you kind of thought the person was upset with or mad at you? You wonder what you did and you kind of stress about it for a bit, and maybe you even ask them about it and they have no idea what you’re talking about. Then they say, “Oh yeah, I was just in a rush.” You didn’t do anything wrong! You just didn’t take heed of this tip:

Don’t let your thoughts run wild — With electronic communication, whether email, text in message, or social networking, there is no way to read facial expressions or body language. (Some people just refuse or don’t understand how to use emoticons.) If there is a question about a person’s intentions, give them the benefit of the doubt rather than calling them out for being rude or worrying you did something wrong. Maybe they were in a rush, had a bad day, aren’t very fluent on a keyboard — could be anything, and it usually is and not an issue with you.

Has this happened to you? How did you deal with it?

Could You Live Without The Internet For One Month?