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Posts tagged ‘smudging’

Spiritual Cleansing For Sad or Troubled Houses

Spiritual Cleansing For Sad or Troubled Houses! Click picture for full article and information.
Have you experienced a great sadness? Have you moved into a house where a death or divorce occurred? Clear your house energy and start fresh now!

Houses are safety deposit boxes of accumulated emotion.

Fights, lovemaking, peace and sickness leave “finger prints” within the walls, carpeting, appliances and cupboards. The energy of each occupant leaves their signature “Essence” that spins in suspended animation until cleared out. Like music, certain people are tuned in to specific energy within a house. For example, anyone that has observed their neighborhood knows certain houses attract the same kind of people over and over. Oddly, some houses even seem to attract illness to the occupants within.


Just like the attraction to a person or animal, when we walk into a home we either feel comfortable or so overwhelmed we want to run. The walls that surround us whisper energy stories. We can “feel” them. Perhaps this is why a troubled house keeps on attracting cops or sickness. A party house consistently, much to our anger, keeps on being the noisy one on the block. Or there is the house that always attracts gardens, or artists. Like music, the vibrations of a house attract specific kinds of people.


BELLS: {Walk from room to room, closet, and into corners, as you ring the bells crisply into the air. The pleasant sound and vibration of the bells wakes up and clears sad and troubled energy.

SMUDGE: White Sage can be purchased in leaf or bulk at health food stores as well as novelty shops. Place the leaves in a large shell, or bowl, light the leaf tips and walk from room to room, closets and corners lifting the bowl of sweet scented smoke into the air high and low. Make sure you open a window so negative energies can exit. Click Here For Detailed Instructions On Smudging.

CHIMES: Place chimes in your windows or where air from a furnace duct or ceiling fan can reach them. These pretty tones will bless your home.

Don’t forget prayer. Your Angels, Ancestors, and Guides always lead your path, bless your choices, and help you to manifest an essence of peace in your environment.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Cleansing Your Spirit Radio Program Thursday September 19

Thursday September 19, 2013 Danni and I will be hosting a Live Radio Program at 9:00 PM ET, 8:00 PM CT, 6:00 PM PT, where we will be discussing Smudging. This is a powerful cleansing technique. It is a ritual to remove negative energies and have them go in smoke to the Great Spirit. Smudging can be used to cleanse your spirit, mind, and body. It can also be used to cleanse a house, building, vehicle, work place, or another person.

We will also be answering your questions so join us for this exciting hour as you learn how to cleanse your spirit and be renewed! The number to call in and ask questions with is: (347) 994-2531. Click here for Details on the program.

If you miss the live program you can always listen to it in the archives and it’s available 24 hours a day.

A Testimonial on the Power of Smudging

Smudging Native American
Frequently I receive testimonies from people who received a psychic reading from me. This testimony is quite different because it’s based on an article I have written and how the person took the information I provided, put it into action and their results.

Now in her own words Jacinta Feyling Talks about her experience of Smudging

“Sometime in 2012 I came across Cherokee Billie’s article entitled “Cleansing Your Spirit Native American Style”. I am Norwegian and have zero Native American heritage, but I knew from Cherokee Billie that the Native Americans were very smart, so I studied the article. I admit I scoffed at the idea of smudging: how could smoke help “cleanse” a room, or myself? But I decided to give it a go after I realized I was always anxious and stressed in my own home. I purchased some organic white sage and got to work. The smell and smoke was tough at first, and I had no expectation to it. However, within the next 12 – 24 hours, I noticed a significant change in my spirit, mind, and behavior and how I felt about being in the house. I had been very skeptical to smudging, but it actually worked!!

Billie also taught “Releasing the Past” was also a very good lesson. Writing down the names of people who have you hurt, and watch them going up into smoke was surprisingly healing and releasing 🙂

Thank you, Cherokee Billie, for teaching me some good tricks to use in every day life 🙂 Jacinta Feyling”

Thank you Jacinta for taking the time to share your experience with everyone.

Here is the article and if you are experiencing problems in your life I encourage you to give the ancient art of smudging a try and see what changes occur for you.

Click Here to Read My Smudging Article

Cleansing Your Spirit Native American Style

by Cherokee Billie.

In today’s modern world there never seems to be enough time. We rush from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. We battle traffic, work, deadlines, e-mail, family matters, and love life. Everything we have to get done in 24 hours! There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. People used to work a 40 hour week, now the work hours go into your private life and many people have to spend time on the computer or phone continuing work at home.

People often come to me for psychic/spiritual advice, and they are totally burnt out. They cannot understand why they cannot stop crying, yelling at people, being angry, and feel totally confused. The fact that they know something is wrong is the first step to turning their lives around.

In our high tech modern world, we need an antidote. It is time to turn back to the ancient teachings of Native Americans, which offers common sense, an uncomplicated approach to life, and a way to appreciate our existence.

Frequently people ask me about cleansing their spirit, and I give many different ways to do it. Here are two of my favorite methods.

Releasing The Past

One of the most effective and simplest ways to cleanse your spirit is by releasing the emotional baggage that you are carrying on you.

You can do this by writing down the situation or the name of a person on a piece of paper; also you must have a heat-proof container and matches. Place the paper in the container and light it on fire. As you watch the smoke go up, picture what you have written about going up into Spirit and releasing it from your life. Native Americans have always used smoke in sacred ceremonies because of the belief that smoke is going up to the Great Spirit.

You can do this as many times as it takes until you feel you have released the burdens you have been caring. You will find yourself feeling much lighter each time you do this.

What is Smudging?

Smudging is the name given to the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing. For thousands of years this ceremony has been practiced by Native Americans. This is a powerful cleansing technique.

It is a ritual to remove negative energies and have them go in smoke to the Great Spirit.

Smudging can be used to cleanse your spirit, mind, and body. It can also be used to cleanse a house, building, vehicle, work place, or another person.
Most Common Herbs Used For Smudging

For removing negativity and for healing, White Sage is preferred.

Sweetgrass is used for blessing after sage has been used. It is used to attract positive energy.

The Art of Smudging

The first thing to do is to make sure that the area is well ventilated and open up windows so that the negative energies have an easy means of exiting.

Get a shell or any flat heat-proof container. It is good to have a feather to move the smoke away from the person or object that is being cleansed.

Light the smudge stick and when you see a flame, put the flame out using the shell or container and the stick will continue to smolder.

Move the smoking stick around your body starting at the feet and use the figure eight motion as you move the stick up your body. Continue this until you get to the top of your head. At this point the energies have been released into spirit, and you can then proceed to cleanse another person, object, or space. You can do chanting or prayers as you use the smudge stick. Make it a sacred ceremony for yourself.
As the stick burns, put the ash in the shell.

When smudging an area like a room, house, or car, it is beneficial to acknowledge the main directions, which are: north, south, east, west, up, and down. Continue to use the figure eight motion and use the feather to move the smoke away and out through any windows.
It is recommended to smudge all closets in a house as negative energies often store in those areas.

When you have finished Smudging, extinguish the stick by dampening it with water, crushing it against the shell, or placing it in sand. Keep your smudge stick, feather, and shell in a special area, medicine bag, or on an altar.
Start doing this and watch the changes that occur in your life. You will be amazed at what starts changing!
If you would like personal instruction on this sacred art, contact me, Cherokee Billie and I will be glad to teach you personally.

“Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.”
Native American Saying

Cleansing Your Spirit Native American Style

by Cherokee Billie.

In today’s modern world there never seems to be enough time. We rush from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. We battle traffic, work, deadlines, e-mail, family matters, and love life. Everything we have to get done in 24 hours! There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. People used to work a 40 hour week, now the work hours go into your private life and many people have to spend time on the computer or phone continuing work at home.

People often come to me for psychic/spiritual advice, and they are totally burnt out. They cannot understand why they cannot stop crying, yelling at people, being angry, and feel totally confused. The fact that they know something is wrong is the first step to turning their lives around.

In our high tech modern world, we need an antidote. It is time to turn back to the ancient teachings of Native Americans, which offers common sense, an uncomplicated approach to life, and a way to appreciate our existence.

My video will show you how.