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Posts tagged ‘Sad’

Spring Spiritual Cleansing For Sad or Troubled Houses

sad-houseHave you experienced a great sadness? Have you moved into a house where a death or divorce occurred? Clear your house energy and start fresh now!

Houses are safety deposit boxes of accumulated emotion.

Fights, lovemaking, peace and sickness leave “Spiritual Fingerprints” within the walls, carpeting, appliances and cupboards. The energy of each occupant leaves their signature “Essence” that spins in suspended animation until cleared out. Like music, certain people are tuned in to specific energy within a house. For example, anyone that has observed their neighborhood knows certain houses attract the same kind of people over and over. Oddly, some houses even seem to attract illness to the occupants within.


Just like the attraction to a person or animal, when we walk into a home we either feel comfortable or so overwhelmed we want to run. The walls that surround us whisper energy stories. We can “feel” them. Perhaps this is why a troubled house keeps on attracting cops or sickness. A party house consistently, much to our anger, keeps on being the noisy one on the block. Or there is the house that always attracts gardens, or artists. Like music, the vibrations/energies of a house attract specific kinds of people.


SMUDGE: White Sage can be purchased in leaf or bulk at health food stores as well as novelty shops. Place the leaves in a large shell, or bowl, light the leaf tips and walk from room to room, closets and corners lifting the bowl of sweet scented smoke into the air high and low. Make sure you open a window so negative energies can exit. Click Here For Detailed Instructions On Smudging.

WHITE LIGHT: Sending the white light of God through a home can get rid of all negative energy use. Learn more about this incredible spiritual tool by Clicking Here. 

BELLS: {Walk from room to room, closet, and into corners, as you ring the bells crisply into the air. The pleasant sound and vibration of the bells wakes up and clears sad and troubled energy.

CHIMES: Place chimes in your windows or where air from a furnace duct or ceiling fan can reach them. These pretty tones will bless your home.

Don’t forget prayer. Your Angels, Ancestors, and Guides always lead your path, bless your choices, and help you to manifest an essence of peace in your environment.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Remembering Janis Joplin on her 75th Birthday!

Janis Joplin entered this world on January 19, 1943, and when she exited at the young age of 27, she left behind a legacy that will never be forgotten.

To me Janis Joplin was the greatest female singer to grace this planet. She used her entire body and soul when she sang. I always preferred male singers, but Janis was different than any woman I had ever heard sing at that time, 1967. She arranged all of her own music and wrote some of her songs, a true talent. Unfortunately I never got to see her perform live, but I followed everything about her as she lived and purchased every album she made.

She struck me as an extremely sad and lonely young woman. Janis seemed to wear her sadness on her sleeve and I always felt that I wanted to take her in my arms and tell her what a beautiful person she was. She always felt that she was ugly and unattractive. When she performed she kept audiences riveted as she poured her soul out in her music. She just did not see how truly beautiful she was.

When she passed I said my private goodbye to Janis. Her latest album, which she was recording at the time of her death, was released right after her death and I played it all the time. It was such a beautiful album, “Pearl” and she finally had a top hit with “Me and Bobby McGee.” No one ever did that song better than her.

For those of us who lived during this wonderful creative time we can never forget the impact Janis Joplin had on the world and how quickly she was gone. Her influence is felt even to this day and will continue to be felt for centuries to come. What if she never would have truly lived and expressed what she felt? The world would have missed out on so much.

There are no limitations to your life when you truly live. Let her life be an inspiration to you to let go of all inhibitions and live your life fully no matter what your age. We are supposed to live not just exist. Live today!

“On stage I make love to twenty five thousand people; and then I go home alone.” Janis Joplin

Love to you Janis,
Cherokee Billie