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Blue Moon July 31, 2015

blue-moon-and-wolf HOWLThe Blue Moon occurs on Friday, 31 July 2015, 06:42 (second Full Moon in single calendar month).  Now is the time to set your intentions towards what you desire. The perfect time to plant whatever it is that you want to reap

It is a moon shrouded in mystery, magic and folklore, perhaps because it only appears once every 2.7 years. The very term “blue moon” is over 400 years old when Shakespeare first wrote the words “blue moon” to mean rare or absurd. The rarity of a full moon appearing twice in one month, or a third full moon appearing in an astronomical season with four full moons versus the normal three, must have inspired the great playwright to coin the term.

The term ‘once in a blue Moon’ means that that something is very rare. But just how rare, depends on your definition.

In astronomy, a Blue Moon is a full Moon, which doesn’t quite fit in with the months in our calendar. If the moon actually looks blue, it’s caused by a rare type of dust in the atmosphere. However, there are two completely different ways of calculating which full Moon is a Blue Moon.

Blue Moon: The Full Explanation

Two definitions

Blue Moon = The third full Moon in an astronomical season with 4 full Moons (versus the normal 3)

Blue Moon = The second full Moon in a month with two full Moons.

In modern day terminology, the name Blue Moon accounts for times when there are more full moons than is ordinary.

It is believed the name “blue” was used to replace the no-longer-understood belewe “to betray”. It would have been a “betrayer moon” because in normal years the third full moon meant the beginning of spring whereas a blue moon would have meant another month of fasting.

In some cultures, the blue moon was considered the trickster moon. The faker, not the real full moon, but a mysterious doppelganger. In other cultures the blue moon was considered fortunate, something to celebrate, and a perfect time to start a long-term goal or make plans for the future.

Occasionally you may see a moon that is colored blue. This is because of atmospheric conditions and has nothing to do with a “Blue Moon.

Among the metaphysical or spiritual community a blue moon is a powerful moon. This is usually prime time for rituals ceremonies and protection. It’s also a good time to perform ceremonies to attract a new job, healings, love, legal undertakings, money and dreams. For those of you wanting to do something special for the Blue Moon I recommend you try the Burning Bowl Ceremony. See The Video Below.

HEIGHTENED EMOTIONS: Right now the Moon is at its closest approach to Earth all Month. Can you feel it? Have you noticed you are picking on little things for no good reason, having very random thoughts or other people seem to be having a go at you? Be aware that we are being influenced by the cosmic weather. The SUN has also fired off M Class flares in the past 24 hours, which will hopefully miss Earth’s field in a couple of days.

Whenever the surface of the SUN is flaring our own inner environment’s rise in awareness as we slough of the old ways in favor of the new and positive for our life. So if you are a little agitated right now, let it pass without lashing out at someone or something you will later feel sadness over. Stay in your own space over the next 24 hours and contemplate the bigger picture of your life.

So if you are looking to improve your luck or to finish a long-term goal, don’t worry about the ancient superstitions! Instead, focus on this full moon as a lucky one and the beginning of a great new journey for yourself.

A blue moon is rare and if you are finding yourself at a crossroads in life, now would be the perfect time to get spiritual advice to help you on your path. Visit my website to find out more about my special services.

Blue Moon Blessings,
Cherokee Billie

Comments on: "Blue Moon July 31, 2015" (6)

  1. Reblogged this on mermaidcamp and commented:
    Blue moon adventure

  2. Skipper Moll said:

    So – is the Blue Moon a moon that we should be asking for good things to enter into our lives ?? (job / improved love / protection from those who do not want to wish us well / health. OR are we to pray for things from the past that we are supposed to let go of that might be blocking us ??? Lastly… I missed the 6:42 AM rise…. when is the best time to pray and possibly do the burning pot ?? Thanks so much for sharing the insights and history – words of hope. Much appreciated!

    • It is a combination really of both. Letting go of things you do not need and asking and receiving the things that will benefit you. Any time this evening is really fine to do any type of ceremony. The main thing is to do it. Most people will let it pass by and it is an important and rare occasion. Thank you for your kind words. Many blessings, Cherokee Billie

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