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Posts tagged ‘Kahlil Gibran’

Have a Blessed Holy Week

Palm gif

Today is the start of Holy Week and Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus procession into Jerusalem where people threw down palm fronds to celebrate his entry into the holy city. Many religions process around their churches waving palm fronds and crosses as a symbol of this triumphal event.

No matter what your belief may be this is a spiritual time and a reawakening of our true spiritual self.

“The Christ, He who was in the ancient of days, is the flame of God that dwells in the spirit of man. He is the breath of life that visits us, and takes unto Himself a body like our bodies.

He is the will of the Lord.

He is the first Word, which would speak with our voice and live in our ear that we may heed and understand.

And the word of the Lord our God builded a house of flesh and bones, and was man like unto you and myself.

For we could not hear the song of the bodiless wind nor see our greater self walking in the mist.

Many times the Christ has come to the world, and He has walked many lands. And always he has been deemed a stranger and a madman.” ~Kahlil Gibran in Jesus The Son of Man

Take time out of your busy lives and reflect on the spiritual blessings that are being poured out at this time. No matter what you may be going through the blessings are still coming and it is up to us to recognize the miracle of each day.

Too much political correctness has made it unfashionable to have faith and talk about it openly.  I will choose to continue to have faith because without it I would have nothing.

I believe without a doubt in the Divine Creator and know that every day we need to pray just like we take a shower, eat, and sleep. In all things give thanks and be prayerful.

May you be blessed now and always,
Cherokee Billie

Be Blessed at this Holy Time


Today is the start of Holy Week and Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus procession into Jerusalem where people threw down palm fronds to celebrate his entry into the holy city. Many religions process around their churches waving palm fronds and crosses as a symbol of this triumphal event.

No matter what your belief may be this is a spiritual time and a reawakening of our true spiritual self.

“The Christ, He who was in the ancient of days, is the flame of God that dwells in the spirit of man. He is the breath of life that visits us, and takes unto Himself a body like our bodies.

He is the will of the Lord.

He is the first Word, which would speak with our voice and live in our ear that we may heed and understand.

And the word of the Lord our God builded a house of flesh and bones, and was man like unto you and myself.

For we could not hear the song of the bodiless wind nor see our greater self walking in the mist.

Many times the Christ has come to the world, and He has walked many lands. And always he has been deemed a stranger and a madman.” ~Kahlil Gibran in Jesus The Son of Man

Take time out of your busy lives and reflect on the spiritual blessings that are being poured out at this time. No matter what you may be going through the blessings are still coming and it is up to us to recognize the miracle of each day.

Too much political correctness has made it unfashionable to have faith and talk about it openly.  I will choose to continue to have faith because without it I would have nothing.

I believe without a doubt in the Divine Creator and know that every day we need to pray just like we take a shower, eat, and sleep. In all things give thanks and be prayerful.

May you be blessed now and always,
Cherokee Billie

Be Blessed at this Holy Time

Palm Sunday

This is the start of Holy Week and Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus procession into Jerusalem where people threw down palm fronds to celebrate his entry into the holy city. Many religions process around their churches waving palm fronds and crosses as a symbol of this triumphal event.

No matter what your belief may be this is a spiritual time and a reawakening of our true spiritual self.

“The Christ, He who was in the ancient of days, is the flame of God that dwells in the spirit of man. He is the breath of life that visits us, and takes unto Himself a body like our bodies.

He is the will of the Lord.

He is the first Word, which would speak with our voice and live in our ear that we may heed and understand.

And the word of the Lord our God builded a house of flesh and bones, and was man like unto you and myself.

For we could not hear the song of the bodiless wind nor see our greater self walking in the mist.

Many times the Christ has come to the world, and He has walked many lands. And always he has been deemed a stranger and a madman.” ~Kahlil Gibran in Jesus The Son of Man

Take time out of your busy lives and reflect on the spiritual blessings that are being poured out at this time. No matter what you may be going through the blessings are still coming and it is up to us to recognize the miracle of each day.

Every day we need to pray just like we take a shower, eat, and sleep. In all things give thanks and be prayerful.

May you be blessed now and always,
Cherokee Billie

Be Blessed at this Holy Time

palm Sunday
Today is the start of Holy Week and Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus procession into Jerusalem where people threw down palm fronds to celebrate his entry into the holy city. Many religions process around their churches waving palm fronds and crosses as a symbol of this triumphal event.

No matter what your belief may be this is a spiritual time and a reawakening of our true spiritual self.

“The Christ, He who was in the ancient of days, is the flame of God that dwells in the spirit of man. He is the breath of life that visits us, and takes unto Himself a body like our bodies.

He is the will of the Lord.

He is the first Word, which would speak with our voice and live in our ear that we may heed and understand.

And the word of the Lord our God builded a house of flesh and bones, and was man like unto you and myself.

For we could not hear the song of the bodiless wind nor see our greater self walking in the mist.

Many times the Christ has come to the world, and He has walked many lands. And always he has been deemed a stranger and a madman.” ~Kahlil Gibran in Jesus The Son of Man

Take time out of your busy lives and reflect on the spiritual blessings that are being poured out at this time. No matter what you may be going through the blessings are still coming and it is up to us to recognize the miracle of each day.

Let me be politically incorrect and say that I believe without a doubt in the Divine Creator and know that every day we need to pray just like we take a shower, eat, and sleep. In all things give thanks and be prayerful.

May you be blessed now and always,
Cherokee Billie

Who or What is Christ?

by Reverend Harold Boulette.

“The Christ, He who was in the ancient of days, is the flame of God that dwells in the spirit of man. He is the breath of life that visits us, and takes unto Himself a body like our bodies.

He is the will of the Lord.

He is the first Word, which would speak with our voice and live in our ear that we may heed and understand.

And the word of the Lord our God builded a house of flesh and bones, and was man like unto you and myself.

For we could not hear the song of the bodiless wind nor see our greater self walking in the mist.

Many times the Christ has come to the world, and He has walked many lands. And always he has been deemed a stranger and a madman.” ~Kahlil Gibran in Jesus The Son of Man

Gibran is correct in saying that Christ has been here many times in different places and different bodies. Yet, in almost all cases, those who acknowledge that individual as Christ, whether it be Jesus, or Buddha, or Zoroaster, or any of the others, always seem to think that the individual is the only Christ. Further, they usually believe that when Christ returns it will be as the same individual. This is because people can’t seem to understand that Christ is a spirit and the first creation of God, therefore Christ wasn’t born two thousand years ago, Jesus was and the Christ spirit was in Him. Christ has existed since before the creation of the material universe.

[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
[2] The same was in the beginning with God.
[3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
[4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

The worst people for this confused concept of Christ as a human being are the Christians. Most Christians believe that Jesus was Christ, is Christ and always was and always will be Christ. They expect that when Christ returns, it will be as Jesus. Further, most have adopted the idea of the Pharisees and Sadducees that Jesus laughed at that Christ would come as a great warrior king to fight off their enemies, and in the Body of Jesus again. As a result, the Pharisees and Sadducees didn’t accept Jesus as Messiah and the same has happened with modern Christians who, for the most part, failed to recognize the return of Christ that was promised by Jesus to occur in the End Times.

A Spiritual Spring

By Reverend Harold Boulette.
“All things shall melt and turn into songs when Spring comes. Even the stars, the vast snow-flakes that fall slowly upon the larger fields, shall melt into singing streams. When the sun of His face shall rise above the wider horizon, then what frozen symmetry would not turn into liquid melody? And who among you would not be the cup-bearer to the myrtle and laurel?” ~Kahlil Gibran

It sounds like Gibran is expecting the world to become one of sound, of a celestial melody, at the end times, but this is metaphor for the world of disharmony/materialism becoming a world of harmony/spirit. It sounds like a wonderful thing the way Gibran describes it here, and indeed it is, but don’t forget that before we can have that wonderful spring come to melt the snow and warm our hearts, there must be a winter to bring that snow in the first place, and that is what we have been experiencing in the past few decades.

The snow is, of course, also metaphor. It represents hardship, difficulties, the horrors brought about by man’s insistence that he can run things and doesn’t need God interfering ( or that God should intervene only when, where, and how man asks Him to as if God was our servant when it is supposed to be us who serve God). The “snow” comes in many forms: disease, storms, wars, famine, floods, etc. And in the past few years, these hardships have been getting more common and that will continue into next year.

To some extent, the snow can be avoided, but it requires us to wake up to reality. Before the Spring Gibran wrote about can set us free, we have to acknowledge that we have become prisoners of our own greed and materialism, our own lack of faith, and our willingness to do the work of Satan and his dark forces, and we have to turn to God to set us free. And not a god we have made in our own image, but the true God of spirit.