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Attract Love into Your Life

Attract Love

Attract Love

We all want love. So what keeps us from having more love in our lives? At least these four things:

1. We don’t really think we’re worthy-we believe messages we’ve heard from parents, friends, etc. that if we only (fill in the blank), we could have what we want. So we keep trying to fill what we see as an empty bucket, instead of coming from “I’m ok as I am.”
2. We get too easily discouraged. We reach out to people at networking functions, place personal ads, go to singles dances, wait for someone who’s said “I’ll call you” and we give up when it doesn’t happen as we hoped it would.
3. We’re ambivalent about what matters most, so we send mixed messages.
4. We have expectations and demands about the way love has to be.

Four Ways To Bring More Love Into Your Life:

1) Do whatever it takes to experience yourself as lovable. Use Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life.” Hay suggests saying as often as needed, “I approve of myself.” What I’ve found when I do that is it replaces my old tapes. Just as you can record over a cassette or a video, so you can get a new belief by “recording” different thoughts and words into your brain.

2) To get to that place of self-love, you can never give up. Figure out what matters and hold the vision. Your purpose, to attract to you what would make your life richly fulfilling. You simply can’t give up on that. Read Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich.”
Support is critical. If you could have done it on your own, you would have already. Join a meditation group.

3) The biggest antidote to ambivalence is doing what it takes to get to clarity.

If you’re not sure if you want marriage or just a short romance, children or no children, this man or that man, ask: What do I need to get clear? Make a list and write down everything you want out of a relationship, the type of person you want, your life together, and visualize getting what you want daily. What ever you can visualize-you can create.

4) With clarity comes a good deal of peace and renewed energy. You still need to distinguish between preferences, expectations and requirements. If you don’t have clarity about your boundaries, about what is or is not fulfilling, you may allow the merely Acceptable instead of the Desirable into your life.

I am not advocating that you take whatever comes your way, nor am I suggesting that you be rigid.

What I am saying is that we all have our positives and negatives, and that if a partner meets most of our needs, it probably does not serve the relationship to harp on the missing pieces.

Clarity, Persistence, and knowing your real Requirements is all it really takes to attract love into your life.

Comments on: "Attract Love into Your Life" (23)

  1. Hello Cherokee and this is a nice message which made me think. We all want to be loved and sometimes people feel the need to change something because they believe appearance or maybe the way they are perceived by others will make a difference in their attitude about themself. Everyone is unique and they should feel proud of who they are. We are Gods creation therefore we are all special and beautiful.
    If you are with a partner and you feel something missing don’t feel ashamed to approach him/her so you can discuss what you feel is lacking in the relationship together you can work on the issue so your love will continue to florish and both partners will be happy. Thanks

  2. alicia ann styron said:

    Hey, this sounds like you was just saying it to me personal actually. I kow what i want and i know me and roger is meant to be. Heavens knows that i did too. It i would say had to be adjust just right. Billie that pray we said on the phone i still can’t get sueann, or edward say a word or see me like i want to see something of them. That one poster of edwar cullens in my bedroom instead of blue know it’s more lightish purple. also tell me about that and help don’t have money to call anything soon. Love, Always, alicia ann styron HURRY Write Back………

  3. Hi everyone, Hi Cherokee! How are you all doing today? I hope everybody is ok 🙂

    I liked a lot your reflection about love.. There are some especific points I’d like to comment: people most of the times don’t know what they want. That’s where all the problems start. How can we attract anything (or anybody) if we’re always doubting? There’s another point too: when we want something to materialize here in this world we have to materialize it in our mind first. That is so true. When you have it in your head, it may not come quickly as we wish, but it comes (becomes real). It has happened to me, but in fact when “the thing” did materialize I didn’t need it anymore… *laughs* =D (it happens..).

    A friend sent me a message today, and I think it’s very pertinent with what you posted here, Cherokee! It’s like if things are in sync! So I though it would be nice to bring it to all of you:

    “Be certain that the happiness in your life can’t come from the outside. You’ll only be able to find it when you know how to make it born within your heart and learn to help everyone indistinctly with your actions, words and feelings”.

    Light and Love to everyone! ^-^

  4. Good Morning Everyone,

    I have read both books recommended by Cherokee they are great stepping stone to finding self Love. As a matter of fact I gave Louis Hay books to family members as a christmas present.

    For me, Meditation has been the most effective process for getting clarity.


    Thanks Cherokee for another wonderful posting!

  5. Thanks, nice read Cherokee…..I think it’s important to love yourself (even laugh at yourself) at silly things you say and do 🙂 and when you do love yourself , you’ll be glowing to attract lots of people in your life 🙂 Love Susanxxx PS Mayra I must try that more often visualising and materialisation 🙂

    • Hi Susan, how are you? I hope you’re fine ^-^

      Yes, you visualise what you wish in your mind. Do this everyday. A silly example =D : lets say you want a car. You star seeing an image of it, the color, how is it going to be on the inside, you driving it and so on.. The probability of it coming to you is big! It may not be exactly like you imagined, but at least something in it will be what you were wishing for! So it’s like a materialization of your mind..

      • I concurr. Visualize and FEEL the object real. As u visualize allow (accept u have it already) hold the frequency in the expectation of God bringing it too u. (thank giving, appreciation) and as soon as u accept u have it, thank Him ….in the mind set that it is done!
        With no regard of how it gets done and he brings it right too ya.
        The thing that took me decades to understand is to acepting it already done. When u r 90% knowing a thing is done it manifest instantly. REmeber it is not our job to fiqure out how it is done, Just accept it is done!

  6. Hi Cherokee,

    Thank you for the requirements it takes to attract love.
    Here is a quote that applies to the importance of loving youself:

    If you aren’t good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you’ll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren’t even giving to yourself.

    -Barbara De Angelis


  7. Awww, thank you for this!
    I love you all, I really do!

    with all my heart,
    julie ♥

  8. Hi Mayra. I’m fine.. I hope you’re fine? Mmm, I need a new car 😉 Love and Light Susanxx

  9. Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you Cherokee Billie for these insights on love. I’ve always been kinda old fashion on the topic of true love and like so many others, I don’t want to settle on second best either. I think loving yourself and knowing you have a lot to offer anyone is a key to being loved yourself.


  10. Great message, many thanks.

  11. Dear Cherokee Billie, thanks for this message and giving us food for thought once more! Here is something which I think ties in with this:

    It’s called “I’m Sorry And I Love You – HO’OPONOPONO” a method of healing and taking total responsibility. They say, “Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, you improve your world”.

    If we all did this, the world would be a better place. I think Michael also said this!

    Love always, Liz

    • Hey Liz!

      So nice that you give the info here about HO’OPONOPONO.
      It is so true! I have actually used this method in the past and it really works!
      Also to use for helping other people…
      But I’ve found than when you truly accept and love yourself just for who you are…you become a better person for it. And only then, you can begin to honestly love somebody else.
      Thanks Cherokee Billie for your beautiful message!
      Very inspiring…as always. An excellent way to start my day.
      Love to all,

    • Liz, Thanks for posting this link, I read it and it truely makes sense, takes us back to the Quantum Physics lessons about creating in the outside world. Love & Light

    • Thank you for bringing it to us, that’s very nice!!

  12. Liz, I love this link. Thanks for sharing it. I am having some difficulty at work, conflicts with a few people. I am definately going to try this. This really gives me some direction. Love and true friendship,

  13. Thanks for this interesting and helpfull message! for me I am for some years alone now.. just living with my kid… and many times I thought: will I ever fall in love again? will I ever find a true companion? Since I am almost 50 very soon I just stoped and beguin to think If I want to spend the rest of my life this way.. or perhaps someone really spititualy rich person would come and show in my life..
    This post made me think about…..
    blessings for all ..

  14. Hey Liz, I have also read up on Ho’oponopono – its so simple to do, yet so powerful.

  15. hi cherokee and everyone.

    i’m crying as i write this message. i have not forgotten you all. Just wanted to thank all of you for your kind words on my last message. i wrote that my mom was very ill and not doing well. the lord is so merciful because he is answering my prayer to keep my mom comfortable. i have no regrets, since i have always taken care of her and have been there for her during many very difficult times. i have found peace in knowing that she will soon be so happy and free from all her pain and suffering. you all have been a very important part of this peace that i’ve found, especially you, cherokee. your blog has brought new enlightenment on my outlook in life and the life hereafter. i also thank michael for this healing and strength he has given me.
    i love my mother so much and i have no regrets. i’m sad that she will not be with me in the physical sense but i’m mostly happy that she will soon find such wonderful peace and happiness which she undoubtedly deserves.
    i will contact you cherokeebillie when that time comes. i love you all. please keep her in your prayers and i will do the same for you. all you need to do is ask.

  16. Hi, Cherokee and everyone!

    Very nice message! I think (as with everything) it’s important to get clear about what you want in life. All too often we are very vague or ambivalent in our preferences.

    I have an affirmation that I use..a ‘contract with the Universe’, if you will, based on a book I’ve had for some time on the power of affirmations. I state as clearly as possible what I want in a relationship (the type of man..his personality, likes, etc) and ask that it be done for my highest good. I include a picture I cut out of a magazine and then I visualize, using all of my senses, this relationship into being. I find that the more I practice this “ritual”, the more real it becomes to where I feel like it will actually happen. I think doing this brings about the clarity needed to brings things to fruition, but consistency is key, and I’m not very consistent! I have to work on that! One of the key words in the affirmation is “deserve”, and I think that’s a problem with most people who have low self-esteem: they don’t feel they deserve anything good in their lives…so that’s something to definitely work on.. I know it is for me.

  17. Hi, Heidi,

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom! (hugs) I had no idea! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this time. I lost my mother back in 1990 and my father in ’93. Both were rather young (I am going to be 45 in December, the same age my mother was when she passed). While their deaths affected my life, I take comfort in the fact that they are in a much better place, happy and at peace, and that their lives go on. They see us and watch over us, even as they have their own work to do. Your mom’s physical presence may be sorely missed for some time, but the love and memories she leaves behind will stay with you forever. Take comfort in that and in the knowledge that she’ll always watch over and guide you in spirit.

    Once again, my heartfelt sympathy to you at this time. 😦

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