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It blows my mind that it has been 42 years since I was a teenager and heard the news that Jimi Hendrix had died. It just seems like a couple of years ago. Time Keeps On Slipping Into the Future!

So much happened 42 years ago that affected my life forever. On September 18, 1970 Jimi Hendrix died. I had seen him perform live ten times and no one ever blew me away like he did. I was a straight kid and did not use drugs, yet I understood completely what his music was about. People often associate those who like Jimi Hendrix with drugs; you don’t need drugs to appreciate his art. I wish I could help you feel the experience of him live because literally I could feel my body vibrate and move in what ever direction he wanted it to when he played his guitar. Jimi is often considered the greatest guitarist in rock and roll. He is known for playing guitar left-handed and behind his back and with his teeth without missing a single note. It was an amazing experience and no one else ever was able to do that for me.

I lived in Los Angeles and I saw most of the major groups in the 1960’s and 1970’s. I am so grateful I lived through that amazing time. People have tried to capture that time period today, but unless you were there you will never really understand or experience it. I had just seen Jimi Hendrix about two months prior to his death. He came on stage much different than before. He did not have a smile as he usually did and just played his songs without much emotion. I felt that something was wrong in this man’s life, but had no idea what it was. Turns out the man was overworked and burnt out, but the promoters kept booking more and more performances for him.

The news of Jimi’s death came on a Friday and I spent the weekend feeling the loss of such a beautiful person and the greatest guitar player ever. It was hard to believe because he was so young, only 27 years old, and to be gone and to lose what could have been. He died from suffocation (in his own vomit) after taking too many sleeping pills. He was not a heavy drug user, of course he used drugs it was common for the time, but he was not a drug addict. I believe the man was just looking for some peace and quiet. I had my own private goodbye to Jimi that weekend.

For those of us who lived during this wonderful creative time we can never forget this genius artist that changed the world then quickly left. His influence is felt even to this day and will continue to be felt for centuries to come. What if he never would have truly lived and expressed what he felt? The world would have missed out on so much. Jimi Hendrix could not read or write music, but did that stop him from playing the guitar? No. Jimi Hendrix is listed as the number one guitar player in the world by the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. There are no limitations to your life when you truly live. Let his life be an inspiration to you to let go of all inhibitions and live your life freely and fully no matter what your age. We are supposed to live not just exist. Live today!

Life in this world is very short and as you get older you really realize how short it is. There are many times where I would give anything to go back and live those happy carefree times again. This is why it is critical to try to live every day to its fullest and create happiness for your life. Life ends much too quickly and there is no reason on earth not to make the best of each day. Granted not every day is going to be wonderful, but you do have a choice in how you deal with each day. All I can say is live fully now.

Want to know what it was like to see Jimi Hendrix live? I have written an article about the first time I saw Jimi Hendrix in 1968. Click here to read about this moment in history.

“It’s funny the way most people love the dead. Once you are dead, you are made for life.” Jimi Hendrix

Comments on: "Jimi Hendrix died 42 years ago, September 18, 1970." (9)

  1. What a well-written first-person story of the Jimi Hendris Experience! I enjoyed every word! Thanks! z

  2. Dear Cherokee Billie,
    great name, by the way, I loved your words. Experiencing Jimi only twice at one magical 22nd january 1969 had enough effect on me to turn me into a musician. I wish I had your experiences (10 times !) but the past is the past, right ?
    What our generation has to pass on to the young cats is the love that Jimi was able to spread while walking this Earth … Jimi was all about giving … Jimi walked into our hearts and never left … he created the dream we are living in …
    dream on brother,
    and greetings from Amsterdam/Europe.

    • Dear Rudy: I’m so glad you enjoyed my tribute to Jimi Hendrix. You are fortunate that you are one of the people that saw him perform live. He was certainly an experience! His music and messages will live on forever. Thank you so much for your comment. Many blessings, Cherokee Billie

  3. Paul Reardon said:

    What a great blog! You are so lucky to have seem him 10 times.He really made his mark in rock history and 42 years later his music is as strong as it was back then.

  4. Wonderful! this made me cry – thank you – I was there too in that era and will never forget it – sometimes I think of the younger ones – oh too bad they missed out on the 60’s and 70’s but we had that special amazing time. Thank you again!

    • Thank you for your beautiful comment on Jimi Hendrix. I can understand why you cry because not only did we lose Jimi Hendrix, but our youth is gone and I miss that myself. We are the fortunate ones who lived through such an exciting time in history. I look forward to hearing from you again. Many blessings, Cherokee Billie

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