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Today, August 21, 2017, we celebrate the people who are part of the fastest growing demographic in the world. According to the traditional definition, a senior citizen is anyone older than 60 years of age, but this seems relatively young in today’s society! When it comes to new technologies, adults above the age of 55 represent 65% of all early adopters. This demographic is also the most politically engaged segment of the population. Almost 80% of all senior citizens vote in a presidential election, while the overall voter turnout is usually around just 50%.

President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first National Senior Citizens Day in 1988. In his explanation he wrote that, “Older citizens are reinforcing their historical roles as leaders and as links with our patrimony and sense of purpose as individuals and as a Nation. For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.” ~ President Ronald Reagan – August 19, 1988 Proclamation 5847

Now there’s something worth celebrating! In honor of National Senior Citizens Day, spend time with your favorite relatives or make a commitment to volunteer at a retirement home sometime in the next year. If you are a senior citizen yourself, check for special promotions and giveaways at your favorite restaurants and shops!

In honor of National Senior Citizens Day, spend time with your favorite relatives or make a commitment to volunteer at a retirement home sometime in the next year. If you are a senior citizen yourself, check for special promotions and giveaways at your favorite restaurants and shops!

I am a senior citizen and I honor all of you who are as well.

Continue to support my Small Senior Citizen Business

Discounts to all seniors today, send me a message and I will share with you your discount.

Many blessings,
Cherokee Billie


Comments on: "It is National Senior Citizens Day! August 21, 2017" (6)

  1. Steven Frank Schnobrich said:

    Thank you! for the reminder as I am a Senior.

  2. Dot Gaskell said:

    Have a lovely Senior Citizens Day…love and hugs. xxx

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